Chapter 41

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Yumi's POV

We were making our way to an inn since it was raining right now. We are currently in the Water Tribe's port town after a long way of traveling. We arrived at a inn and a old lady opened the door. "Hello, we would like a place to stay at if you don't mind." I said to the old lady. "A place to stay?" The old lady asked. "The cheapest room you have for eight people to stay overnight." Yoon said, "Hmm... I'm vacant. That would be one for 600 Rin." She told us. "Thank you." Yoon said.

After a while we settled in our rooms with me looking out the window with Yona besides me. "The lush, green land of the water tribe... It's too bad. I was looking forward to seeing it, but all I see is rain." Yona said looking at the rain pouring down. "Don't worry, we can see the town when the rain stops. Let's just enjoy the rain." I said. "The Land of Water drenched in rain is rather elegant and beautiful too." Jae-Ha said. Hak went next to Yona and looked outside. "Shisen. It's a prominent port town in the Water Tribe too, right?" Hak asked. "Yeah. After we went to the market, I heard a few rumors. It seems there's been some unrest on the coasts of the Water Tribe." Yoon replied. "The rumors clearly say that there is something wrong with this place." I stated. "I heard the people of the Water Tribe were temperate. I can't imagine there being unrest." Yona said. "There are a lot of outsiders who go in and out of Port Towns. It's only common for there to be a few disputes." Jae-Ha told Yona. "Anyway, it's this rain! We probably won't be able to move any further, so let's get some rest." Yoon said. "Nee-san and I want to take off our drenched clothes, so get out for a bit." Yona said. Everyone started walking out by Jae-Ha was standing there with a perverted smile. "Jae-Ha, get out before I send you flying." I said annoyed. "Oh, I was lo-" Jae-Ha started saying but was dragged out by Hak.

Yona and I changed our drenched clothes and went to open the door when we heard Jae-Ha said "I thought it would be fun if we went together." "Where are you going?" Yona asked staring at Hak and Jae-Ha. "A shop with girls." Jae-Ha replied with a smile while setting his hand on Hak's shoulder. "Bastard!" Hak said. "Well then... have fun." I said looking at those two. "Yeah... See you later." Yona said with little to no emotion. "I'm not going." Hak said. "Really?" Yona asked Hak. "Then I'll go take a stroll by myself." Jae-Ha said walking off. "Jae-Ha! Be careful!" Yona shouted which was returned with a smile. Before he turned his head to leave for a stroll I decided to give him a warning, "Jae-Ha, seriously. You have to be careful when you head out." I said seriously. He looked at me with a confused looked but he just smiled and headed out. 'That idiot.' I thought.

We were all chilling in the room with me casually sitting on the floor looking out the window until I felt like something was wrong. 'Jae-Ha... Oh no! He seriously drank it even though I warned him to be careful. He is such an idiot.' I thought. I stood up and grabbed my cloak and put it on and decided to head out. "Yumi-hime, where are you going?" Hak asked. "Something is wrong with Jae-Ha." I said. "Yeah, something is wrong with his presence." Zeno said with the other dragons agreeing with him. "Well, I'm heading out to find him." I said heading out the door. "Wait, we will go too!" I heard Yona yell but I didn't wait and just left. I was running to where Jae-Ha is and found him lying on the ground. I quickly rushed to his side and kneeled down. "Hey, Jae-Ha. Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "...Yu...mi..." He said with pain. "You idiot! I warned you to be careful and yet you ended up like this!" I yelled still worried. "So...rry..." Jae-Ha forced out. "Nee-san!" I turned around saw Yona and the other running towards us. Yona leaned down next to me. " dea..." Jae-Ha said. "Jae-Ha! Are you alright?! We came because Nee-san, Zeno and the others said that your presence felt strange." Yona told Jae-Ha, but he fainted. "Oh my god, this is bad..." I said with a sigh. "Huh? What do you mean Nee-san." Yona asked. "No time to explain. We have to hurry up and get him back to the inn. Kija, carry him back." I commanded. "Okay." Kija said lifting Jae-Ha over his shoulder and then we all headed back to the inn.

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