Chapter 58

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Yumi's POV

Lili and I are currently tied up and being pulled by the soldiers who held the ropes with other soldiers surrounding us. 'God damn it... Only if I could do something right now.' I thought. "Bring the prisoners forward for the public execution." I heard that stupid Kushibi said. The soldiers pulled us forward. Kushibi and his soldiers were having a chat about invaders and such until I heard him suddenly announced "Quickly go and bring those invaders to the execution grounds. They won't be able to do anything. We hold the lives of all the slaves in our hands." 'Great... the people of Kouka will probably be shocked to see me about to get hanged... haha...' I thought. I was walking next to Lili and I saw her stare at the rope... damn... she is brave for not being scared of that. "Step forward." Lili and I walked up the stairs to the execution place until suddenly a ruckus was heard and I saw Ayura fighting the soldiers. 'Gosh, please stop... You are going to get hurt fighting that many soldiers...' I thought worriedly as I looked at her. "If you're going to kill me then hurry up!! Before I escaped I killed a soldier here. All because that guy wanted to punish me for no reason!! I stabbed him really hard from behind!! I'm surprised that soldiers from Sei are so weak!! Just try and kill me if you can, you cowards!!" Lili suddenly shouted in order to save Ayura. "Shut up!!" A soldier yelled while slapping Lili. "Lili!" I yelled with worry. "The one that stabbed him... was you...? As you wish, I'll kill you now..." The soldier said pulling her hair. "Wait! Didn't you want to execute me first!? I killed more of your stupid soldiers then she did! So why not hang me first instead of her!" I yelled trying to stall some time. "Huh, so eager huh? Don't worry, you will join her right after." The soldier said while pulling Lili and I to the high ground of the execution ground. I think I heard Kushibi talking about the invited invaders and the execution of feisty little girls... I looked from where I am to where I heard that... my eyes then met with Soo-Won. He looked at me shock while I just stared at him then to Joo-Doh who apparently also met my eyes who looked even more shocked. 'Oh great...' I then just looked away pretending that I totally did not see them. When I looked away, I saw Shin-Ah and the others looking at me, I don't know why but I just smiled at them. "Uwaah!" A suddenly scream was heard which caused me to look back. "C'mere!" A soldier shouted dragging more slaves up. "Ahhh!" "Please, mercy." The slaves screamed. "Why are you bringing other people up here?! They have nothing to do with this!" Lili yelled. "I was told to hang them next, after you two." A soldier replied coldly. "No!! Please don't" "I don't want to die!!" The slaves screamed. Lili then ran and bumped a soldier off the gallows, "I can't just sit here anymore and let myself be killed!" Lili exclaimed. 'Yeah, Lili! Tell them!' I cheered in my mind. "!" A soldier said so shocked. "You two, why are you spacing out?! If you don't want to die, fight!!" Lili screamed. I saw a soldier heading towards Lili, so I quickly ran in front of Lili taking a kick for her which caused me to fall to the ground. "Tch, you little....!!" The soldier exclaimed. "Yumi!!" Lili yelled. "Worry about yourself instead of others." A soldier said and grabbed her hair and dragging her towards the rope. "Stop!!" I yelled and got up trying to run to her only to be stopped with a sword on my neck. "Don't dare you move... or else you can die by the sword instead." The soldier behind me threatened. I stood there and watch as the soldier put her head through the noose. 'Omg! I know she will be fine because she will be saved, but I can't stand it.' I thought. "Hang herrrrrrrrrrrr!!" Kushibi yelled. The soldier pulled the other end of the rope, then I heard a shot of an arrow which successfully cut the rope making Lili fall down so that Hak can catch her. I took this chance and stomp the foot of soldier who was putting a sword on my neck really hard which cause him to pull the sword away from my neck. I then kicked him with all my strength causing him to fly off the platform. I then headed towards the one who pulled the rope, "You can say bye bye to tomorrow you piece of sh*t!" I yelled while kicking him off.

I looked down and saw Lili safe with Hak with Guen-Tae who was kneeling next to them chatting about Lili's condition. I then saw Guen-Tae stand up look up and look at me. "Oi! Jump down!" Guen-Tae yelled. "Excuse me? What!" I yelled when I heard him telling me to jump. "Don't worry! I'll catch you!" He yelled. "Okay fine!" I yelled back. 'Well... here goes nothing.' I thought and jumped off. Guen-Tae caught me princess style and slowly put me down on the ground. "Here, let me untie the ropes." Guen-Tae said untying the ropes. "Thanks..." I said. "Yumi-hime, are you okay?" Hak asked with a worry tone. "I think so... I just feel a bit weak and dehydrated." I replied trying not to sound weak. Hak then suddenly hugged me and I heard him whisper "Thank goodness..." in relief and quickly released the hug as if it didn't happen. 'He hugged me... how unusual...' I thought while being in a daze of his uncharacteristic move. "Kill them!! Now! Those people, under the gallows, all soldiers, attack!!" I heard Kushibi suddenly shout which caused us to look back to where a lot of soldiers were running our way. "Wahhh!!" The soldiers screamed due to being cut down by the one and only Mun-Dok. "This geezer!" The soldiers exclaimed to which only got knocked away by Ayura and Tetora. "Lady Lili!" Tetora yelled worriedly. "It's okay. She's alive. Take care of the rest." Hak said handing Lili to Tetora. "Thank you very much!" Tetora said. "No you don't!!" A soldier yelled heading toward Tetora with some other soldiers. "Gargh..." The soldiers yelled as they held been attacked by arrows raining down. I looked up and saw Tae-Woo and Han-Dae with bow and arrows readying to release it. "Well, well, well... Let's get this bloody party started." I said with a evil smirk. 'I'm not gonna let these people go so easily after what they have done to us.' I thought. "Yumi-hime, don't force yourself too much." Hak said handing me an extra spear he got. "Ooh, thanks. Don't worry, I won't." I lied. "Oi. I don't know who you are, boy, but I thank you for saving Joon-Gi's daughter." Jii-chan said. I started to slash the soldiers that were charging at me. "Oh? So she was the daughter of some big shot, huh? So I can expect a nice amount of reward money?" Hak asked. 'I like the fact on how they are pretending not to know each other...' "Sure, have some candy." Jii-chan said giving a bag of candy to Hak. "Ehhh! That's so unfair! I want candy too..." I said childishly. "Here you go miss, have some candy to gain some energy." Jii-chan said giving me a bag of candy. "Yay, thank you!" I said happily while putting a piece of candy in my mouth. "Drive them off, before the slaves get caught up in this!" Guen-Tae suddenly yelled. "Even if you say that... We're totally surrounded." Hak said as he put a candy in his mouth. "Yep, what a pain..." I said. "It was inevitable." Guen-Tae said as he, Hak, and I got back to back. "Are you going to be okay?" Guen-Tae suddenly asked. "Huh? Are you asking me?" I asked. "Yes, we are in a fight." He answered. 'Ohhh... I totally forgot that most of the people don't know I can fight.' I thought. "Don't worry, I can handle this." I said. "Yeah, you don't know how strong she is." Hak said after me. 'Awwwee, Hak complimented me!' "Well then... Let's clean this mess up." Guen-Tae said. I was about to go attack some soldiers until a rain of kunai came down. 'Heh, looks like Jae-Ha finally came.' "Hey, long time no see." Jae-Ha said. "Droopy eyes/Jae-Ha." Hak and I called. "It's gotten quite lively here hasn't it?" Jae-Ha asked. "I'm glad you are safe, Yumi. I was really worried you know." He said looking at me. "Ehehe, sorry. I didn't mean to get you so worried." I said rubbing the back of my head. He then looked at Hak and said "She's safe, by the way. She, Yumi, and Lily ran away from here and-" Jae-Ha was then cut off by Hak hugging him. 'Awe, how adorable.' I thought. Hak then ran back to attacking the soldiers. "Huh?" Jae-Ha said looking around confused. "A greeting." Hak answered bluntly to Jae-Ha's confusing to which Jae-Ha smiled at. "Yona told me she wanted to see you right away." Jae-Ha said. "Liar." Hak said slashing more soldiers. "Playing hard to get, are we?" Jae-Ha deadpanned. "Let's talk about that another time and focus on the soldiers that want to kill us!" I yelled while slashing away more soldiers. "Yes ma'am." Hak and Jae-Ha replied.

Asa no Yumi (Akatsuki no Yona)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें