Mothophobia L 💯

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Being a palidan of voltron you see some pretty odd creatures and things, ranging from no face to only having a face.39% of these creatures had some sort of ability from wings or tails to telepathic and empathetic abilities.
But never in a million years did lance ever think that his biggest fear could be worse.....

Insects , bugs, rodents what ever you call it lance fears them on his life . Ever since he was a child lance as a personal hatred towards insects, but by far the worst insect he fears is moths . To him moths were the ugly zombie like versions of the beautiful, colourful butterflies, with eating everything and anything it can!! And being constantly drawn to any light!!! Which was expecally bad for lance considering when he was little. Lance grew up on a farm and being n a farm he had limited access to light witch he wouldn't mind except on how dark it got in his room. So sleeping with a night light wasn't bad right?


During the summers lances room go extremely warm being the last room to welcome sunlight. Having the incredibly hot room he had no choice but to open the windows, and with having the night light on any no screen to keep the bugs out moths were more then happy to accumulate in his room. Lance would stir and wake up to his walls littered with the horrid creatures, screaming and bolting out his room almost every other night to sleep with his parents.

That was till he made it to the garrison. At first his smile was sceptical about the disunion for lance to be alone expectally in the desert by the rainforest which is the perfect place for moths. Lance looked over the cons but the pros out weighed them by far., actually being able to fly in space and building awesome  rockets to shoot out in space and maybe even pilots. Lance was more them happy to look past the moth siduation and look into the space siduation.

Once he got to the garrison he blocked off all possible entrance points in his dorm. Sure he got yelled at and scolded by iverson because of the possibility of a fire hazard but it was worth it for lance if it ment no moths. He wasn't just gonna give up his dream if politeing a space ship the he designed!!! For stupid moths, especially for some stupid moth !!   

Lance of corse had other fears like nyctophobia ( fear of the dark) , trynophobia ( fear of needles) and others. But none of those fears scared lance more then moths. So when he was minding his own business walking down the corridors he just happened to hear pidge and Keith mention something along the lines of mothman .

" I can't believe you never heard that theory of mothman yet ! Your like his biggest fan "
Pidge said putting her hands up in betrayal.

" I can't believe it myself ! Mothman is my reason to live!"
Keith chuckled and pidge giggled.

" m..moth-man?"

Lance stood by the door half paralyzed by fear.
( is it really what it sounds like?)

Keith turned on the couch to see him better cuz all he knew lance could have been spying on them. But from the looks of it he just walked in.

" yeah mothman, ha e you like never heard of him"

Lance shock his head no afraid to ask . And with the reaction pidge and Keith's eyes were a mix of ' holy shit' and 'your in trouble'.
Keith patted the seat next to him signalling lance to join him on the couch while pidge pulled something from out of her bag.
What lance saw next was the scariest thing he has seen by far.

Tossed a crossed the table were pictures of this huge man like creature , with a moth like body but bigger then a human.

" they call him mothman, and he is real"

Lances eyes shock in fear but not enough to Alurt the others of worry. Lance started to block out the voices of Keith and pidge obsessing over this mothman whole lances eyes were glued to this one photo , it showed this mothman staring right at the camera with eyes like basket ball and teeth sharp as knifes. Lance could feel the teeth digging into his skin as the mothman ate him alive in bed. Pidge and Keith didn't notice how lances breathing got faster and heavier, with lance now frozen shut as the picture basically looked right at him Keith said words that scared him the most from all this and this was pretty scary more scary the the walls full of moths .

" let's try and summon him!"

To this pidge agreeed atheistic about this adventure with Keith and her old err brother figure lance.

That night couldn't have been more terrified

Lance backed up to the corner of his rom as the creature walked down the hallway looking for him. Covered his his friends blood from head to toe lance covered his mouth and tried to hide the sobs making there way up his throat which was already sore and dry from screaming as the mothman pulled and broke his friends, eating the muscles and tissue from there dead mangled body ripped the faces of the terrified teens as they scream for help. The bones littered the floor as the monster walked closer to lances door. Blood pooling around him making his sent less noticeable but the heat rading off of his body. As the foot steps god louder till they suddenly stopped. Lance looked down to see the shadow of the creature on the other side of the door sniffing around. Then there was chewing , loud chewing and lance new that the creature was finishing off his last meal , the second last to die . Keith Kogane. Keith's survival skills worked so far till lance made a noise in the kitchen cause I g the mothman to rush and attack Keith as lance escaped , lance turned back to see the mothman ripping Keith's arms off and bitting his head off , lance bolted it out of fear and locked himself in his room which was where he was now hiding in the corner of his room covering his mouth as he could hear the crunch of his friends skull in the monsters teeth . The dripping of his blood and brains from the mouth. Lance lost it when Keith eye rolled under the door and landed looking at lance in the most terrifying manor . Pulling lance off the edge he screamed out of fear out of sadness and out of regrets.

Lance sat frozen as the monster broke down his door and looked right at him .lance couldn't look away from the violet eyeball covered in tissue and blood looking at him.

Lance felt numb as moth man began to eat him  pulling off his leg then his left arm the blood cane in waves along the floor like the ocean . The moth man took a huge bite from his stumach showing all his organs leaving his body and joining the mixed blood on the floor , the pain was nonexistent as his body was in shock. Lance didn't scream or yell he just stayed silent as the monster began to eat his leg that he pulled off spitting out the clothing. While his room was dark lance thought it wasn't so bad after and then lance realized

Maybe sleeping with a nightlight on was a  bad  idea after all

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