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Lance ran faster then found as he passed trees, bushes, and animals who just happened to be near. His body being taken over by some sort of drive for thirst. Lance couldn't tell how far he was , concerned that not a muscle in his body ached. He still ran till he approached a cliff ending in a 60F drop to a black pool of endless depth. Sharp rocks stopped the huge waves crashing water resemblance across the area as wind blew like a Hurricane. The smell of salty fish filled his nostril. The blinding sun was covered by a black vail of clouds. The sound of growling appears behind him as soon as the smell of desist, the quick turn around lance had made he was met with peircing yellow eyes gazing into his blood red eyes full of thirst for blood. The sound of yelling wasn't far from what lance could tell . The boy collapsed with no Energy to move he gave up on what newer live he was forced apon . With the distance yelling coming closer into ears sight the voices went dead silently the creature lance had become was extremely familiar to them. The being of death it's self, through centuries these creatures have rommed the worlds wits end. Now lance has become a being not known to him. Yet the feeling of thirst filled his throat. Whimpers escaped his voice as hunger grew stronger. The senses ambushed him as the sense of trying to breath was incapable of his body. Panic erupted from his brain to his now dead heart and he ran from the beasts that were before him. The wind blew through his hair as sudden death was near Is gaining. The sound of growls and howls filled his senses m every direction with the over raging feel of adrenaline pumping through his dead vains. The beast full of fur walks closer to the weeping boy and ounces with an attack right to his neck, killing him instantly. The crack of blood covers the animals teeth as it drips down and pools at its paws. The fear still imprinted in the boys face of horror as he watches his own afterlife fade away and become abldolute blackness. Leaving the the boy by the Clift as the dust or the old human starts to blow through the wind and travel along the sea in a free motion. The sun against the horizon travels on as the dust releases and falls to the dead dark sea .

Yes. Hello , this is me. I am not dead if any of you were wondering it's just I've been logged out of my account and I just got logged back in so I will start updating my account with much more stories for all you lovely souls. Also if you haven't subscribe to Unus annus before you can't . And buy there merch so they can really live these moments with all of us!!!!!!!!! Go subscribe and like there videos! Better start now or soon cuz they upload every day till next year when they delete there channel!!!!!

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