Acidents happen

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Accidents happen.

When you accidentally cut your finger or trip on the sidewalk scraping your knee. They happen. So can cause death but others mostly injuries.

The paladins were always cautious about handling weapons : they way they function and what motives and how to use the weapon. Some came naturally , others took lots of practice to control the weapon.

Having practiced the weapons and becoming experts on the matter the Paladins were still cautious while training. Having only two at a tome while the others kept watch
I'm case of emergencies. When pidge injuried herself while training they took to note that one or two people should be in the training room to keep watch. Since then there has been no injuries for anyone during training. They were all prepared for anything..,. Well except this

During one particular battle lances bayard started to malfunction. Jamming often, shooting double , going off without even holding the trigger, and even rapidly shooting at nothing which intel caused the battle to have some complications. Keith just blamed it on lance while hunk was suspicious as to why it wasn't working properly. Shiro was worried and it alerting the galra or injuring others .pidge was annoyed at first then hers started to malfunction as well alerting the team.

With a little debating and Compromising they headed back to the ship to fi d out what was wrong with lances and pidges bayards. Once reaching the castle lance and pidge headed to her lab and started to repair their equipment.

" here try this lance."
Pidge handed lance his bayard and went behind a glass door studing his weapons funciality as lance started to fire and hit the targets one of the lasers bounced around the room till it exploded a trash can . Lance then carefully put down his bayard and pidge then started at square one.

" hey you guys , I brought some snacks !"
Hunk entered the room and placed the plate on a free spot in the lab.

"Ooo yummy thanks hunk!"
Lance said cheerfully and then proceeded to eat the treats.

" soo any progress?"
Hunk looked over pidges shoulder and watched her type away.

" yes and no, we haven't solved the problem or even know what is is, but we do know what's it's not "

Hunk nodded and looked at lance who was still snacking and seemingly bored. Chatting with lance about randomness. Pidge then asked lance to try his bayard once again and brought hunk to the safty door. Lance aimed his gun then pulled the trigger and nothing happened.

An accident happened. As a precaution if any other creature got ahold of the paladins bayard except for the paladin themselves they would set off a explosive gas that would injure the enemy.

Lance forgot to put on his gear.

While pidge was trying to reprogram the weapon she must have deleted lances access to the bayard.

It was all an accident

The bass slowly started to release around lance as he looked back at pidge. She shrugged and looked back at her tablet . Then within seconds the bass lit up like fire works shaking the ship as lance was flown across the room into a cubured full of glass viles. Shiro and Keith ran to the lab where smoke was released out the door. Coran and allura had to be dealing with the alarms going off.

Lance heard ringing in his ears as he tried to recall what had happened. Looking around lance felt pain everywhere as well as burning lots of burning. Lance had felt as if he was on fire

" hot! Hot! Burning! Ouch hot ! Help!!!"

Lance started to scream as he heard foot steps becoming louder as a faint

" holy shit"

Was heard lance started to panic trying to move but was held down.

" don't fucking move! Your gonna make it all worse! We need to get you out of here"

The foot steps faded as shooting happened then more quicker ones stopped right at lance.

" help hot !"

" I know lance , anything else?"

Lance shook his head no and began to cry. Moving to wipe his tears lance felt nothing.

Trying agin he felt nothing at all .

" lance don't open your eues"

But it was to late. Lance opened his eyes to see nothing .

He bagan panicking, nothing replaced where his right hand was supposed to be . ...

Lance sat up freaked out as the burning contintad he felt his body being picked up and running out of the room. Getting a better view of himself as shiro who he know identifies as the person carrying him. His body was covered in glass and burn marks. And as he assumed his right hand was gone but so was his forarm. Adrenaline was pumping so hard through out his body lance has passed out in shiro s arms.

" no no lance stay with me!"

Lance tried to stay awake but he has lost so much blood and was loosing more as a trial formed behind shiro as he ran to the healing pods where Keith and hunk were waiting for then with a healing pod ready. Quickly tending to lances wounds and changing him into the healing pod garments lance was put into the pod.

Lance was out within a week.

" hey look it's lance"

While everyone tried to desract him from the obvious. Coran spoke.

" here my boy, an altean arm."

     Lance looked down and screamed... nothing would ever be the same .

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