⩥ 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘅 ⩤ | 𝗞𝗲𝗻𝗺𝗮 𝗞𝗼𝘇𝘂𝗺𝗲 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 [Pt. 1]

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The window is open once again, and the cat races through your apartment, knocking over whatever is in its way.

You run after it, the chase only seeming to encourage it even more.

It's a small calico kitty that probably belongs to one of your neighbors. Somehow, it always breaks in through your window. You have no idea why or how. 

You've tried putting things in front of the window, and you were even planning to buy a lock of some sort soon. 

Normally, it wouldn't bother you that much to have a little kitty friend. But the problem is, this certain little kitty friend can open refrigerators. 

You've lost a whole chicken breast to this little devil, and it's broken like three picture frames. 

This is the fourth time this week its broken in. 


You scoop up the small critter, finally winning the seemingly-never-ending-battle. The times before this, it has always run back out through the window. But this time, you got him.

Now its time to find whoever owns this troublesome cat.

❤ ❤ ❤

You knock on the door, the cat squirming in your arms. 

It's the door to the right of yours, and it also happens to belong to the only person you haven't met yet. 

This cat must be theirs. 

You knock again, and a guy cracks open the door. 

He has blond hair with dark roots, and he looks like he just woke up, even though its noon.

"Uh, hi. I live next to you, and I was wondering if this was your cat?"

His eyes dart to the calico in your arms, and it meows happily at him. 

He holds out his arms, and you reluctantly hand it to him.

"Thank you," he says quietly, avoiding your eyes, "she's always been ornery."

You blink. "E-excuse me?"

"S-sorry," he stutters, and starts to close the door.

"Wait, what's her name? She's very pretty." You stroke her soft little head.

"Oh, her name's Yoshi."

"That's a cute name. What's yours?"

He introduces himself as Kenma Kozume, and you introduce yourself as well.

You decide not to get mad at him for letting his cat loose. He seems shy, but he is very polite.

He sets Yoshi down and thanks you again. He shuts the door, and you run back to your apartment to get your keys.

Time to go buy a lock for the window.

❤ ❤ ❤

You come back home, this time with a window lock.

It's a little white contraption, and to open it, you have to slide the handle away from the base. It's a simple stick-on, but it will hopefully work. 

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