POV Change: Dominique Meeting Isabella

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"This isn't fucking real. Not a chance. No fucking way is this real!" My voice was restrained but still louder than I intended it to be. Not that it was my own fault. 

I didn't know where I was. At all. One night I fall asleep in my own bed in my own damn house and the next day I wake up naked in a jungle. It justifiably freaked me out and that pissed me off. Not knowing things was terrifying but I wasn't about to let that stop me from figuring shit out. I was capable. There was nothing that I couldn't measure up to and no challenge I couldn't best. None.

There were sounds all around me but none were motorized. No cars, no music, no sirens. I heard birds, wind, and leafs moving. But no people. That was dangerous. I was aware that someone could easily be watching me from the shadows of the bushes around me where they were hidden from the sunny rays peeking through the branches overhead. It wasn't the fact that I was naked that had me on edge about being watched. I was hot. But if there was someone watching then it might not matter how much combat training I had. If they had a weapon then I was fucked. 

The rocks at my feet were small and had smooth edges. Not good for anything more than throwing. I'd do it though. In a heartbeat if it meant I got away from whatever brought me here. 

A branch snapped somewhere to the left of me. Crouching down, I peered into the darkness but I couldn't see anything. There was something that could have been identified as a growl coming from the direction of the snap. My guard was up, even against an animal. But this wasn't how I wanted my body to be found. 

Keeping my eyes on the area of the noise, I slowly began backing away. I wasn't stupid enough to turn my back right away until I put a suitable amount of distance between me and the area. It was a slow walk, each step felt agonizingly stagnant. Not enough distance growing in my attempt to be cautious. Rushing wasn't the answer but I was having to fight back every fiber of my being not to scream at the shadows. To force whatever cowards were there to show themselves and face me.

Five, maybe ten minutes passed with me taking slow and deliberate steps backwards. My eyes remained fixed on the small clearing I had woken up in until trees I passed blocked it from my line of sight. As soon as I could no longer see the outline of it, I ran. My feet nearly lost their grip on the muddy ground . The leafs didn't crunch under my feet and instead got pushed into the soft ground. It made for a damned near silent run. I was able to keep my breathing under control enough so that I didn't heavily pant with every inhale. I had to stay moving and hidden. Easy enough.

I ran until I felt a stitch in my side and then continued past that. I still saw no people. No footpaths either. Nothing to tell me that people lived in the area. I even tried sniffing the air for a trace of smoke. A sense of dread was creeping up the back of my neck, raising the small hairs there but I shook it off. Getting scared could get me killed. I wasn't about to be a corpse.

Finally bursting through the trees, I tripped on the sudden change of the ground and face planted onto the sandy beach I emerged on. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," my voice an angry growl, I swatted the sand off my face and looked around. An ocean stretched out in front of me. I couldn't see any boats in the distance or other islands. 

I knew I wasn't anywhere near my home. I thought of possible explanations but none really made sense. The one that I mulled over the most was human trafficking. But it didn't explain why whoever took me ditched me in the middle of a fucking jungle. I was attractive. I'd be worth money. I'd make a pervert real happy. I wasn't worth abandoning. 

The sun was setting and a thick fog was rolling across the beach. The wind was stronger in the open than it had been when I was surrounded by the trees. Loud crashing sounds of the waves hitting the shore echoed around the area. It'd be an okay area in any other situation but at the moment it just seemed creepy as hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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