Chapter 3: Too Many Questions

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I woke up to gentle swaying a a hard pressure on my back. Cracking my eyes open, I saw the blue sky above me. And it was moving. Not the clouds. The actual sky was moving.

Wait, no, that's stupid. 

Realizing my error right away I knew that I was the one who had to be moving and sat up. Sitting up was a lot more difficult than it had been before. Not only did I seem to be riding on the turtle, that explain my new back pain, but my body felt like lead. My throat was burning and my face felt sore. On top of that my injuries still hadn't healed properly.

"Good, you woke up." Almost sounding relieved, the Italian douche bag decided to speak to me from where he was walking in front of the turtle.

"Good? Good?! You almost killed me! And now what're you doing? Kidnapping me? You're a piece of shit!" Every word I shouted felt like fire in my throat and I forced my legs to work how I needed them to. Somehow managing to stay on my feet when I threw myself off the turtle, I turned to the nearby trees in an attempt to run from the guy. I didn't get far before I felt a yank on my ankle and fell straight on my face. Looking behind me I saw a a thick rope tied around my ankle, the other end in the man's hand. He gave me a bored look and tugged again on the rope as if urging a dog to move.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have. You're alive. Get over it. And this isn't a kidnapping. Your scream was going to draw the attention of every predator in the area so I got you out of there. I saved your life and you tried to run away." He shook his head as if actually disappointed in me and tugged on the rope again. "Get back on the war turtle. We need to keep moving."

"Wartortle?" I was surprised to hear a Pokémon reference and felt a little closer to him due to it. He just gave me a look that I suspected had him thinking I was stupid.

"Turtle. You do know what a turtle is, right? You tamed it and yet you know nothing about it? That's only mildly impressive."

"Right, a turtle. How dumb of me. Thank you for pointing out my mistake." My voice was dripping with sarcasm but I don't think he picked it up. Once again he gave a tug on the rope. "Why should I go anywhere with you after what you did to me?"

"I will take you somewhere safer and no further. Figure if I do that much you won't try stopping me from leaving again. Now hurry up. We only have limited light in the day and I'd like to use as much as I can." With another tug, he made little noises with his mouth, now literally treating me like a dog. I was pissed but had no other option. When I slowly made my way back to the turtle, he was even kind enough to help me up to sit on it. I saw that he placed a bunch of thick leafs on the shell to soften the spikes a little when I was laying on it. I didn't bring it up to him because I wasn't convinced that he wouldn't just take them away.

Something felt off when we started walking and it didn't take long for me to realize what was missing.

"Where's all my stuff? And my little buddy?" I noticed that my carnivorous friend was nowhere to be seen.

"It seems that you're not even good at paying attention to your surroundings." Letting out an exasperated sigh, the guy turned back to me just long enough to point at two large sacks hanging from the side of the turtle. Looking inside, I found my spear and canteen, surprisingly filled, along with the limp body of my little spitter, its body completely tied up.

"What did you do to it!" Ignoring the pain in my arms, I pulled the bag up and let the body roll into my lap where I cradled it.

"You weren't awake to keep it in line so I put it to sleep. Wasn't going to risk injury to myself because of your pet. You're awake now. You take care of it." 

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