*Sneak Peek* Chapter 12: Come Together

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Sacniete scolded me for my carelessness and praised me for my ability to not die. I considered that one of my best traits.

The party, naturally, was not her idea. But she wasn't against the idea. She said it was good to take the time to appreciate what we have. It took a bit of work to convince her to let Dominique and Etienne join the impromptu festivities but I succeeded. Under the condition that myself and Benedetto would be responsible for them. That was just fine with me.

"Seriously, do you not eat? None of these are going to fit." Complaining, Dom picked through the plethora of clothes I doubted I'd ever wear.

"Just pick something and take it to Claire. She's working on some clothes for Etienne right now and said she'd help you if you need it too." 

I had mixed feeling about the party. On one hand it felt a little out of place to celebrate anything. Maybe that was due in part to my constant state of worry and caution. But on the other hand I felt excited. It had been a long time since I did anything really fun like this and I didn't have many opportunities to dress up. 

Dom picked out a dress from the pile and left to find Claire. The old woman made a few dresses, almost as if she suspected that I'd be inclined to wear one for some reason. It was almost as if she knew about the party even before I got back. I'd have to ask her about it later.

Getting to my feet, I grabbed my canteen of medicinal water that Sacniete left for me, a towel, a blanket, and a change of clothes to wear before getting ready for the celebration. Thanks to my favorite healer, my breathing was a bit better than before. Not great, but better. And since Mikey was happy to see me after so long, he willingly let me put his saddle on him. It was great riding him again. With Fish at my side, things were feeling normal for a minute. I contemplated leaving Bunny in the animal house but decided against it. It would be better for Fish and Mikey to get used to her if I planned to travel with the three of them. Plus starting her training wouldn't hurt either.

So there I was, surrounded by three beautifully named dinosaurs with a bag full of washing items. In order to avoid an argument, I attempted to look for Benedetto before I left but I didn't see him. I knew he seemed eager about the project he gave himself so I tried not to think about it too much. I did make sure to let Alfonzo know though. Whether or not he would bother telling my friend was something to be seen.

"Hey, you see Dom anywhere? I wanted to see if she wanted to come down to the water with me." I stopped Seb on my way to the gate.

"I saw her go off with Benedetto a little while ago but not sure where they went. Is it important?" 

"Oh, no. Just thought about hanging out a bit. Anyways, I'll see you when I get back." Seb looked like he wanted to say something to me as I waved but I didn't press him. If it was important then he would've said it. 

Getting used to Bunny's mechanical noises took me a while and I had nothing but time on the trip back with everyone. It almost seemed... natural with her now. Mikey was apprehensive around her which I expected. Fish grew accustomed to her not long after she got tamed. And Bunny... Well, I didn't know how she was feeling about the other two. Maybe nothing. Or maybe whoever created her also gave her feelings. That'd be nice.

The river where we typically washed our clothes was connected to a small waterfall. That part itself was just outside Alfonzo's line of sight at his guard post. So long as I had Fish or someone standing a little off to the side though, it would be fine. And that's what I did, except with Bunny. She seemed like a more effective guard than Fish. But I did have him stick close to her. Mikey on the other hand came with me into the water. He got to play and I got to clean up. 

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