Chapter 11: Set In Stone

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My back hurt when I woke up the next morning. With five people and a small dinosaur crammed into the small hut, it made sense that it wasn't too comfortable. I was forced against the wall I initially chose for my nap with Benedetto against me. Next to him was Seb and then Dom. Benedetto didn't care about her enough to put her between himself and Seb instead of next to the stranger. At least he let Fish separate our group from the armless wonder.

"Hey, take off your shirt." I nudged Benedetto in the dark and tugged at his shirt. Though it was still covered in blood, he still wore it due to how cold it had gotten right before we went down for bed. Now that the sun was rising the hut was getting hot with all of us in it. He'd be fine. Plus I was already handing him the blanket. We only had one and I suggested we try sharing it with all four of us but he was quick to wrap me in it by myself and neither of the others complained about it. It had been extremely comforting being wrapped up last night. That included being in Benedetto's arms. Nothing could touch me then.

"I swear to god, if the two of you are trying to start something over there with the rest of us in here then I'm gone. I ain't sticking around to listen to you two have sex." Dom groggily spoke up from her spot in the hut.

"Do you promise? If so then you take your clothes off too Isabella," responding to her unfazed, Benedetto slipped one of his hands under the hem of my shirt and touched the skin of my waist. He didn't try groping me or anything, just sleepily messing with Dom.

"Oh for fuck's sake, I'm out." There was shuffling over by Dom's side and I heard Seb laugh.

"If he doesn't want to start anything with you this morning, Izzy, then mind if I tap in? I'll take one for the team- Ow, fuck!" Seb got cut off when Benedetto let go of me. The dull thump I heard made it obvious that my ginger friend got a well deserved hit.

"Ha ha. You guys are so funny. Really. I am in stitches." I spoke with a purposeful monotone tone but couldn't fight the smile on my face. Didn't want to either. It was a good morning so far. "Seriously though, give me your shirts. All of you. I need to get Fish out of here to go hunt. He won't go after me or Benedetto but I'm guessing everyone else in here is pretty attached to their toes. I'll wash your clothes while he hunts."

"If I'm taking my clothes off then I get the blanket. No way I'm staying in here naked with a bunch of guys." I heard Seb groan in pain and then Benedetto grunted. In the dark, I felt the blanket being pulled from my body and reached out to feel Dom's face right near mine. She had crawled over both guys to get to me. Who knows what her knees were pressing into.

It took a bit of shuffling around before my friends were mostly naked and I was able to make my way out of the hut. I wasn't too surprised to see Benedetto leave after me but this time he didn't attempt to stick to my side. Instead I saw him starting a fire and once he got it going, he knocked on the door of the hut and Dom came out. She was naked and had the blanket wrapped tightly around her. It was nice of Benedetto to make a fire for her to keep her warm.

Fish went after a compy that was wandering along the shoreline and I got to work with cleaning the clothes. In order to not lose them to the strong pull of the water, I made a hole that was about as deep as my arm was long and pushed the water into it. I ended up swirling the clothes around in the water with a stick I found and it almost looked like a washing machine, except for the soap. But obviously it was helping because before long the water had turned a translucent orangish-red.

"They done yet?" Coming over to me, Dom stared into the water.

"Not yet. Going to make another hole because this water's fucking gross," I responded while digging another hole. Dom started using her foot to kick the water into it. "Where's the guys?"

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