Chapter 7: Smarter Than Yesterday

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Not a lot happened in two months. Benedetto and I became full members of the tribe which meant we had responsibilities within it but that wasn't too bad. He helped with building and I helped with everything else. I didn't have a set job because I didn't want a set job. There was so much to see and do on this island and I wanted to experience it all.

Fish finally got trained enough to be left alone in the compound when Benedetto and I couldn't be by his side. He listened well enough to Claire that he would stick with her at times. Mikey was of course well behaved and we had no issues with him. 

If I had to have a favorite job, it would be going on supply runs. I had been practicing flying almost every day since Seb had taken me out and got good. I learned with one hand which meant when my wrist properly healed, it was a piece of cake. It had been annoying living without the use of my arm but I made it work. I learned how to get myself dressed, cook, strap on saddles and swim with one hand. I thought it was a little much but Benedetto was sure I'd injure myself again and didn't want to be held back by me so he made sure I learned everything I needed to.

"Hey, you ready to head out?" One of the supply runners, Mason, came up to me on his way to the bird house. 

"Yeah, let's go." I waved to Benedetto who was watching from where he was helping to repair the front gate. He barely nodded at me but that was a good thing from him.

Mason and I chatted as we set up the saddles for our rides. Seb had given me permission to use McFly when I wanted and I managed to bond with the big bird. He stayed put when I got off him and responded to my commands. That took a long time considering his bond with Seb but it wasn't like I didn't have the time. 

He gave me an affectionate nuzzle with his beak and I returned it with a few strong pats on his thick, feathered neck. The straps were easy enough to put on him once I learned how to do it. I had to make sure it was tight enough that the saddle didn't slide at all. I saw it happen with one guy on a pteranodon. He hung on as long as he could while we tried getting to him in time but at the end he needed to use his parachute to safety land on the ground. Of all the ways to die on this island, falling would be a weird one.

Once I clipped the two large leather sacks to his saddle, I was ready to go. My pack stayed with McFly's saddle, strapped to the front so I could easily access it. It had my canteen and Benedetto's knife. It also held a blanket in case I got cold in the air but now I had a jacket to help with that. 

"Let's get going." Mason spoke to me and the other guy who was coming with us. His name was Terrance and was pretty quiet. While most people in the tribe worked at least two jobs, he was the only person, besides Sacniete and Chidubem, to only work one. 

A sharp whistle was all it took for McFly to leave the bird house behind the other two flyers. It was a feeling I hadn't ever gotten used to even though I fell in love with it immediately. The rush of air swirled my hair in my face. Adrenaline pricked at my arms and excitement swelled my heart. It was a true feeling of being alive. 

Mason was the one in charge of what drops we went to. Since we didn't exactly have the people to spare and supplies were a little stretched thin at the moment, we went to different drops. As per usual, I was given a drop that was spotted closest to the camp while the other to went further out. I didn't mind. Once I was finished I was expected to go to where Mason was so I got extra time to fly. 

"Iz, yours is just ahead. Terrance will go to the one further ahead to the East and I'll be getting the one still coming down over North. Hurry up and meet me there. Keep yourself safe or else it's my ass on the line," with a grin, Mason flew next to me for a moment and pointed out the drops for me. I knew what he was referring to. Everyone in the tribe mentioned Benedetto's particular attitude at one point or another. 

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