*Sneak Peek* Chapter 8: Fact VS Fiction

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((Thought this would be a fun idea considering a few people are seeming to enjoy the story. Before each chapter, I plan to release a teaser of roughly 1000 words. It's not much but it's something, right? Anyways, I hope you all like the idea and enjoy the bonus! Full update should be done in a couple days. Have a fantastic day everyone!!!))

You know when you have a risky plan and you're confident with it while you're planning it out? Then you actually put the plan in motion and the closer you get to the risky part, the more you start thinking that you're an idiot for attempting it and your plan is the most idiotic thing to ever be thought up? Yeah, I was feeling the full effects of the second part.

"So... what do you say about dropping me off back at the Twin Suns? Just forgetting about this whole thing? Yeah?" I shouted up to Nick where he sat on top of Eddie, his pteranodon. I was being held in his talons, my arms and legs tied up. It was extremely nerve wracking seeing the ground move under me and I knew that it would be so easy for Eddie to just let me fall to my death. I have half hoping for it even.

"Not after all the work we did to get this far. Besides, considering how close we are, Fred already knows someone's coming up. We're screwed." Nick was grumpy but had agreed to help me with my plan. I didn't know why since there was nothing in it for him but I appreciated it. At the same time though, I did hate him. 

Craning my neck around a bit, I saw a towering stone wall that seemed to be built into the island's tallest mountain. I could see people standing at the top with what I could only assume were guns. As we got closer I was able to see that I was right. Those guarding all seemed to have their guns fixed on us. Just when I thought I couldn't feel any more helpless than I already did.

"Here we go. I probably won't be able to talk to you much when we get inside so good luck. It's going to be hell." Nick called out one more time before we flew over one of the huge walls.

Buildings scattered the wide open area. They were all identical and uniform looking, the only thing that differed was their sizes. While the Twin Suns had a welcoming and rustic charm to it, this looked almost like a prison. Even from our distance, I could see a large amount of people marching. 

Nick flew us towards the center and made Eddie drop me from a couple feet. The ground I hit was hard and warm. Really warm. That was maybe the most surprising thing at the moment.

"Go get Friedrich. I finally found something that I think he'll like." Nick's voice had dropped a bit and his tone lost all friendliness. It was such an abrupt change that I couldn't help but gape my mouth at him for a second. He had landed Eddie near me and when he got off him, he even seemed to stand taller. 

"It better be good. The man's not pleased with you, deserter." A rough looking man that had come up to us gave me a quick glance before smirking at Nick. The gun strapped to his back didn't escape my gaze and neither did the brand on his bare chest. Just like Nick's.

I took a quick look around from where I was on the ground and saw that most of the men had bare chests and each one had a brand that matched Nick's. Even their pants matched. Nick was wearing them too and I could see that they were made of a thick and dark fabric with what could only be described as red armor on their legs. Because when you're ready for an attack, you want to protect your legs and literally nothing else. Because logic.

"I had expected you to arrive on your own but I am more than willing to accept this gift." A familiar voice boomed over the area and everyone stopped moving including those that had been marching. 

"After all the time that's passed, you still look like a dick." Forgetting to bite my tongue when I looked at the tall blond man, I sent Friedrich a sarcastic grin when I saw him approaching me from one of the larger buildings.

"You better watch your mouth, bitch." I barely had time to look in the direction of the voice when my face was struck. At first I thought it was with a wooden club or something, but in my disoriented state, I vaguely noticed a foot retracting. The guy that Nick had spoken to was already pulling his leg back in order to kick my face again. I was too dizzy from the first one to do anything more than just letting my head sway a little before having it fall back onto the ground. I couldn't brace myself anymore than just shutting my eyes.

But nothing happened. Well, not to me. Before I opened my eyes again, I heard the sound of skin hitting skin and a pained groan. When my eyes did open, even in their unfocused state, I could clearly see the man being dragged away by two other men. Blood was coming from somewhere on his face, I assumed his nose but I couldn't tell. 

"Bring Mickael to me. Nicholas, we will discuss your actions later. First you will tell me why she is tied like this." After sending another guy away, Friedrich turned to Nick while crouching next to me. He wiped my face with a cloth from his pocket and I could clearly see crimson on the edge when he pulled it away. 

"She's a runner. Took me a bit to find her in the first place then I lost sight of her a few times. This was the most effective way to bring her. She was uninjured when I brought her and I did make sure she ate. She was well taken care of. I don't think I tied her too tightly." Nick was standing near me but not as close as I would have liked in order to feel even a little bit comfortable in my current situation. There was something defensive about how he responded, almost as if trying to prove he hadn't hurt me. Didn't make sense why he'd bother telling the murderer that.

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