Chapter 1 - A restart

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April 2003

I sat like paralysed, studying one of the pointers of the clock. It felt like I'd waited for one year and that the year now was 2004. They would be late for this practice today too. But what could I expect? They had been busy the whole year, signing albums, doing interviews, photo-shoots, participating in radio- and television shows. Waiting had been a part of my job.

I jumped when the door to the dance studio flew up.
"Hello Aberg! Good to see you're in time today!" Kian appeared in the opening, soon followed by the remaining members of the group.

I smirked at his salutation. "Was it crowded? Hard to get out of the mall?"

"The most crowded signing we've ever done." Mark replied as he changed his shoes.

"Are there still screaming girls waiting on you with their CDs and posters?"

"Yeah, what else would it be?" Bryan now stood beside me.

"Or just their mothers?"

Bryan punched me on my shoulder. I faltered before I found my balance. "Ha-ha. You're just so funny." He said sarcastically.

"Okey dorks, shall we start?" I asked out loud.

Eight months earlier, August 2002

The last weeks of the summer break remained. The clouded sky lighted up my room with a grey light, where I lay in my bed watching TV.

After the break, I would go to a college here in Cardiff, Wales. That would be the first time here in Britain. I had already done my first college year, but in America. I gladly jumped off after the first year when my dad told me we had to move to Britain. He works in the music business and was offered a great job over here.

To be honest, I hated school. I had never been good in any subjects. Just good enough to get a D or a C-. My big ambition in life was something else. Dancing. It was something I'd done ever since I started when I was six.

I knew I would have to restart when we arrived here. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep contact with all my friends in America, but I felt for a new start in my life. I had been living in the same house, in the same city, going to the same school with the same friends for so many years. Of course high school was a change, but even that became monotonous after four years. This summer had been great. I had got to know many new people and made some great friends.

I just hated being stuck in a living pattern. I wanted new perspectives, get to meet new people and see new locations. That's what i hoped to accomplish by moving here. I just feel trapped when I see the same thing for too long. Maybe if I had a real change in my life, I wouldn't mind school being such a struggle.

Eventually, my plans would change direction, but without letting down my hopes.

"Knock knock, you want to hear something?" My dad showed up behind the door. The kindest person I know.
He always puts me first. If I wouldn't have accepted us moving, he would've declined his offer.

"Sure, what?" I said, still focusing on the TV-screen.

"I've spoken to a colleague. She's producer of a tour for a boy band."

"What band?" I asked even though I didn't listen to many boy bands. I just knew a few of them and had heard the most popular songs on radio.

"Unfortunately, that's a part I don't remember. But what I want to say is that she told me that their auditioning for a choreographer-"

I tore my gaze from the TV-screen and looked at him with big eyes.

"I said they need a chore-"

"Yeah, I know what you said dad. You mean I can audition for the job?"

"I know you love to dance and think it could be an opportunity for you to see what they expect in that business."

"And if I get the job?" I was clearly over exited at the moment. "Can I skip college?"

"I just want you to know that the odds may not be completely on your side. You can dance, but you haven't finished college. You have no exam. They might require higher education and more experience."

I let his words sink. Of course there would be some sort of obstacle. My dad broke the silence when he saw the disappointment in my eyes.

"Of course the education is not all that matters, you'll have to record a clip of yourself dancing so they can see the different styles you master."

My hope increased a little. "Alright then, I'll give it a try." This was a great opportunity. Which boy band was this?

AN: How fun you've found my second Westlife Fanfiction! I hope to make this one as good as many of you thought my former story was. And don't be shy to leave a comment as the story goes!

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