Chapter 24 - Climbing

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I'm sorry, I can't see any visitors registered."

I discouvered myself patting nervously on my thigh. Maybe this wasn't thought trough after all.

"That's okey, thanks." Susan turned around and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing? How will we now get in?" I asked as the revolving door let us out in the night.

She gave me a shrewdly smile. "I'll find their rooms from outside."

Once again I was facing the thousands of windows, creating a pattern of black and yellow spots.

"And? You want me to climb into every window to see which one's Bryan's?"

"No, no. I don't know the number of Bryan's room specifically, but I do know that they all are in the rooms between 250 and 255." She pointed at some windows on the second floor.

"And you know where they are?" I was impressed.

She looked at me and smiled. "Mark hurt his ankle just a day ago, and I was sent here. So if I should be honest, it's not that much of a guessing game ."

The windows were a bit high for us to see through from ground level. We needed to climb. Or at least I did.

"I'll hold one foot and then you support yourself against the the wall and the waterspout. Then you should be able to see inside, okey?"

I nodded and put my first foot in Susan's unfolded palms, and the other one against the waterspout where I also clutched my hands.

I squinted to be able to see an eventual person lying in the bed. But I couldn't see anything.

"It's too dark!" I whispered. I squinted the best I could and waited for my eyes to get used to the darkness. But in next second the flashlights from a car lit up the room for two seconds. I could see just enough of the person's face to be sure.

It was him.

I first knocked gently on the window, but got no reaction in response. I knocked again frenetically.

I divined a move under the sheets and repeated the same frequence of knocks and of a sudden his head flew up from the pillow. He squinted with a almost terrified look towards me. The rain made my grip slippery on the waterspout. I prayed for him to see that it was me. My heart beat like a stone spreading heavy impulses down to my fingertips.

"Lauren! I'm loosing my grip!" Susan shouted under me.

He finally threw off his cover and walked to the window.

"Hold on, he's on his way!" Luckily the window opened inwards and I could climb in with some help from both Susan who pushed me from behind and Bryan who had my arms.

"Five minutes." I signalled to Susan before we closed the window and saw her running to the car.

I switched my gaze to the inside of the room and discovered Bryan only in his underwear. I also noticed his hair and upper body damp. The rain must have wet him too. But he was dry in comparison with me. If not the rain would have fallen outside the window, he would have thought I'd been swimming in the nearest sea.

He stood two meters from me. Last time I stood this close to him was the night before the uncomfortable breakfast.

He scratched the back of his neck and reviled a smile. "You certainly chose the VIP entrance."

I took a few steps into the room. "I needed to meet you."

He followed me with his gaze as I slowly walked around in the room. "And so you did." He said with a tired look.

"Sorry for waking you up."

He smile once more. "Sorry for not meeting you at the door. I usually do that."

"And I usually use the door." I looked at him one second before I took a deep breath. "I understand if you felt abandoned when I resigned without a word with you."

He had been standing with his hands resting on his hips, but did now see where I was going and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"I want you to know that I still feel the same for you."

His earlier funny approach had changed into a more serious face.

"I thought you were happy with your new boyfriend."

I became confused. "Excuse me?"

"Come on Lauren, you were with a guy outside the arena earlier today."

Alex. Things never stopped twist around that boy.

"Bryan, he's not my boyfriend."

His face expression didn't change.

"Who is he then?"

I reviled a smile. "I never thought you were the jealous type."

His face relaxed a little and looked at me standing in his dark room. The only light source was coming from the windows. Since it was raining heavily, that wasn't much.

"I guess you wonder about my marriage."

He said and I remained quiet and I waited for him to continue.

"You see..." He stroke his palm along his thighs and looked away from me out of the window. I listened to the silence when he gathered his thoughts. "I love you and..."

My heart jumped to the ceiling in a rush of happiness that filled my whole system. But it was like what he was about to say next had put a heavy weight on his shoulders.

"...I'm leaving Westlife."

(May 24 2015)

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