Chapter 21 - Into town

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"Lauren..." My mum whispered behind a half opened door. "Breakfast is ready."

I was half awake and answered with a yawn. I shook Alex's shoulder gently. We both dressed and went to the main house for breakfast.

I found it so hard to act in a natural way after last night. Every time Alex looked at me with a smile, I had to smile back because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

But at the same time another part of me told me that was the way to hurt him.

"Are you coming with us into town? We thought we would have a stroll in the big city today." My dad's questions was directed to me and Alex. I looked at Alex who nodded with a polite smile. "That would be great."

That was my thought too. It would feel better to not be alone with Alex during this whole visit.


Stockholm is a beautiful city with a lot of movement. I actually knew the city pretty well. We did this visit to Sweden as a tradition, once a year.

My dad called everyone's attention when we stepped out of the two cars. "Probably we all want to see different things, so should we stroll around freely for a while and then meet up to have lunch?"

"That's a good plan. And you probably want to walk alone?" My mum smiled at me and Alex. I found that moment too awkward to answer.

"Sure." Alex replied.

I gave my mother a warning gaze before we all parted. My plan had been to not be alone with Alex during this whole visit, and see what - I'm walking alone with him. I felt a great irritation to my mother right now.

The sky was clear blue and the sun heated my face.
"You wan to check a store or something?" Alex squinted because of the sun and looked at me.

"Can we just walk?" I had to many thoughts in my head to be able to act normally in a shop. It felt good to just walk.


We kept on walking, I didn't know to where. And I didn't know what to do with this situation.

"Are you okey?"

I turned to Alex to give him a quick response. "Yes, I'm alright."

"You seem... Troubled."

"No I'm alright. Just had a bad sleep tonight, that's all."

I'm such a coward.


We had started to walk out from the centre of the city. That's when something caught Alex's eye.

"What's that and what's going on over there?"

To answer both his questions: that was the globe arena, and to make it easier to picture it - it looked like a giant golf boll. But I couldn't decide what was going on. All I could see was a crowd of girls.

We walked faster to come closer. They all seemed to be waiting for something. My thoughts would be clarified as soon as a limo drove by and stopped just a few meters from the crowd. The girls' screams increased the same second as the car door opened. Five men stepped out of the car. One of them looked at my direction, and I met a pair of eyes belonging to Shane.

As soon as I realised it was Westlife who was having a concert here in Sweden, I started to search unconsciously after Bryan with my gaze. He must have passed me, since I couldn't see him. Probably he was the first one to step out of the limo.

"That's Westlife, isn't it?" Alex said.

I didn't respond. I was too much caught in the thought of what I just had seen.

"So we've seen celebrities today. That's cool."

Yeah. Cool.

What was the odds that we would travel to Sweden the same time as Westlife? I needed a chance to explain to Bryan that nothing had changed. It had been a month and I didn't know if he felt something for me anymore.

One part of me wanted to push me through all the girls and the guards to speak to him. But the other part was not tempted by the thought of gaining people's attention. Probably every camera's too. And since I was tired of headlines, I listen to option number two.

The body guards kept pushing them forward into the building. Shane increased the speed of his walk to catch up with Bryan in the front.

Shane spoke discreetly. "I saw Lauren standing out there."

Bryan seemed suspicious and not sure if he had heard him right. "Lauren?"


"Then I must speak to her."

"How would that look? If you ran after the girl you made headlines with?" His voice was still clear but careful. Bryan remained just walking.

"I also saw that-"

"You saw what?" Bryan spoke impatiently.

"That she was with some other guy."

They kept moving with the guards still pushing them forward. Soon, they finally reached their loges.

Bryan sat down in a fauteuil to respond to Shane's recent line. "Maybe that's for the best."

"Why do you say that?"

"I just keep telling her the same thing every time she asks me when we can be together. She's probably tired of my promises that won't be reality until the tour is finished. She's probably happier with someone who can offer her something right now. If she's standing out there with a new guy, she's probably over me and don't want to be with me anymore."

"So you'll just give up on her?"

He had started to untie his shoes, but stopped on the motion. "I honestly can't see how it would turn out any other way."


"Are you a fan of them? You seem star strucked."

I respected Alex as a friends every time of the day, but i could never fall in love with him. He was just too predictable.

"Alex... I really appreciate that you wanted to come with us all the way here."

"I'm glad you asked me."

"But I just need to clarify one part..." I couldn't go back now. It was time to put it out. "I can never be more than your friend."

He remained silent for a few seconds, searching for the words. "But last night... Why did you say-

"I know, I know... It wasn't meant to be that way." I started to sense there was no polite way to put it. "I was imagining you to be someone else and what slipped out of my mouth just slipped out."

He stood with his hands in his jacket pockets, looking away from me. His silence was understandable. I had fooled him to believe that I loved him and now I stood here, tearing his heart into peices.

"His name is Bryan, isn't it?"

I answered with a nod, and the gaze in the ground. I was such a weakling who could not even face him.

(Video: What makes a man- Westlife)

AN: Hi there, long time no see! I know it's getting a little repetitive with me saying I'm sorry for not updating that often. - but I am sorry for making you guys wait. Just because I don't publish regularly, I don't want you to think that I don't care about you who like to keep reading my story. I appreciate you guys so much, every single one of you. I won't let you wait as long for the remaining chapters!
(May 11 2015)

To Be With You (Westlife Fan Fiction) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now