Chapter 17 - Headlines

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I wanted to sink through the ground, be invisible and don't be able to meet the gazes from all the people in the canteen.

The image picturing Bryan embracing me, was a full page article in a gossip magazine. Some paparazzi must have snapped us on our way back from the kitchen. At once I remembered everything from last night. My kiss with Bryan, how he reminded me about the deal, and how I then was irritated and wanted to punish him by kissing Kian in front of him. I read the headline above the photo:

"Married Westlife-member cheating with choreographer"

Bryan seemed to be as troubled as me, if not even more sweaty. I looked at him, but he did not meet anyone's gaze.

"Is that Lauren and Bryan?" Mark squinted towards the paper.

"You know their making up stories. We're just hugging," Bryan tried. But Louis turned the page.

I felt my cheeks burn.

There was another photo, picturing us kissing.

"I have nothing to do with your relationships," he spoke to all of us, "It just isn't my business. But this can affect the whole band, the whole tour. It's about reputation," Louis said.

"You never overweighted to take this with me privately?"

"This is all over town, Bryan. Everybody can read about this."

I could clearly feel Kian's eyes on me. I felt like a complete idiot. I had been so unfair towards first of all Bryan, but then also Kian. I didn't know if Kian had feelings for me, but it was just not okey to play with him like that. Our slobbery kiss had meant nothing to me. I just hoped he felt the same way.

"Let me see," Nicky grabbed the article. He started to read the text connected to the two pictures. The out torn page was soon passed around the table.

"That's just not fair," Shane said and and I could feel a pitiful look on me. It finally reached me, and I read with a beating heart.

Reliable sources can confirm that the choice of choreographer had been totally the Westlife lads' call. Maybe the choreographer not coincidently, happened to be a young 19-year-old girl.

"It's terrible to put it that way," Mark agreed.

Louis nodded. "And unfortunately, we have to cope with the thought that what the papers say, sooner or later becomes facts to the readers."

My whole body was sweating. I felt embarrassed and exposed. Now I was pictured as the girl who hooked up with boy band members. And on top of it all, the married ones. My reputation was ruined for good. This was what Bryan had warned me about. He knew this would happen if we wouldn't be careful.

"Are you okey, Lauren?" Nicky who was sitting next to me put a hand in my shoulder, speaking to me with a low voice. "You're pale..."

"I think... I need to make some phone calls," I said with a dizzy gaze, and walked from my seat.

I had left my phone in my room. Not surprisingly at all I had both missed calls and messages. It was my mum who had been calling. The SMS:s were from Abbey and Babs, two good fiends I had met this summer. They were actually the best ones I'd got here in Cardiff. The rest of my best friends were still in America.

From Abbey:
Hi <3 I've been close to call you so many times, but always been afraid you might be too busy. I've read the papers and I'm here if you want to talk, like always <33

From Babs:
I've read the papers, are you ok? Call me if you want <3

My friends' caring words warmed my heart and it made me realise how much I'd been missing them. But it would be wrong to not speak to my mother first.

But what would I say? Hi mum, as you might have figured, I'm in love with one of the members. Yes, he's married and have two children. And yes, I've messed up my reputation for my future career. There it was, the embarrassing truth. The heartbreaking truth.

I knew I was committed to my job. I always wanted to make the best out of it and don't let anyone down or make anyone disappoint in me. But as it seemed currently, I had done exactly that. I let them all down. I had played on Westlife's reputation, including my own.

By being here, I couldn't guarantee to avoid more headlines. I still had my feelings for Bryan, and to just walk around pretending like nothing, would sooner or later tear my heart. Even if I would never speak to him, magazines would still come up with stories. I don't want to ruin their big tour.


"Ok are you ready guys?" The Westlife guys had gathered backstage. They were just about to entertain the audience for the last time here in Cardiff. But one of them was missing.

"Hey, guys. Where's Bryan?" Mark asked.

Bryan showed up the next second, heavily breathing. "Have you seen Lauren? I can't find her."

"Last time this morning." Shane replied.

Bryan spotted the producer, Sara Martin, walking around the corner. "Hey, excuse me! Where's Lauren?"

She walked to the guys with a serious face. "I'm sorry guys, I thought you were informed."

"Where is she?"

"She has resigned."

AN: I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated! Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway. I can't promise when next chapter will be up, because I don't know when I will have time and feel motivated to write. Thanks for still reading the story!
(February 28, 2015)

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