Chapter 13 - Tattoos

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"Are we back in high school, playing those games? The one who looses drinks, or what?"

"Come on, don't be boring, Nicky." Shane defended Bryan's suggestion.

"Exactly, I haven't even told you the rules yet." Bryan said and put down the bottles on the floor and made a sign for us to sit down. We gathered on the floor in a circle. Unconsciously, I took the place beside Bryan. I kept telling myself to act completely normal, and don't show any signs of interest. I could get over him if I tried.

"Ok, now we're down to kindergarten." Nicky laughed.

"Must be hard for you to be the oldest, playing games with us immature people." Shane snapped back with a giggle.

"I'm still not old. I'm 25."

"You see, half way to 50."

Bryan interrupted before Nicky got to snap back. "You want to know the rules? Or you might prefer to continue your very important conversation about senior Byrne here?"

After Nicky had given Bryan a punch on his shoulder, he could finally start explaining the rules.

"You ask the person to the left a question about yourself. If your neighbour can't answer, he or she has to drink. But if he or she's right, you're the one to take a gulp. Clear enough?"


"Lauren starts." Bryan said and looked at me.

I was astonished, but I wouldn't mind to start. Why not? As much as they had been chattering, I thought it was fair to finally let me be heard.

"Okey, Kian. Have I any tattoos, if yes what's the motif?"

"That's impossible!" Kian exclaimed with the hands in the air.

"Answer the question or drink!" Bryan shouted and pointed on the bottles.

Kian had a think. "One. And it's a text saying... Dance?"

I burst out laughing. "Really? That's how far your fantasy stretches?"

"I told you I was changeless."

"I have two actually. You could've seen them, they're not that much hidden." I gathered my long brown hair on the top of my head and turned around to make it possible for them to see behind my ears.

"Hah, you have a tiny bird behind each ear?" Mark spoke.

"Yep. One in blue and yellow, the other in blue and red."

"Any special reason?" Shane asked.

"The blue and yellow is for the Swedish part of me, and the blue and red for the American. They're sitting their, whispering advices now and then, practical, isn't it?" I said and let down my hair.

"Hope you're thirsty." Nicky handed the bottle to Kian who took a gulp.

"If I'm the one who has to keep answering Lauren's questions, I'll be pretty wasted by midnight." Kian spoke and put down the bottle.

Not very surprisingly, they all could answer each other's questions. I guess nothing else was expected either. They probably knew as good as everything about each other. I learnt a lot about them, though.

Kian had been a kissogram. "I was eighteen. One night I had to do a job in a pub. I was dressed in see-through trousers, boxer shorts and a bow tie. I walked in to the pub and tried to find the poem I had to read out, but I'd left it at home! So there I was, standing in front of everyone, speechless. I had to stumble my way through a poem that I made up on the spot and the audience were dumbfounded!"

And Mark is actually afraid of birds. "Anything with feathers freaks me out. A bird flew into my house when I was twelve and I was really really scared. I would literally have a heart attack if that happened again."

The one thing Shane look forward to the most when he's been away, is the Irish food. "When I'm out of the airport I call my mum and ask her to start making some Irish breakfast for me."

And Nicky gets really uneasy in lifts. "I absolutely detest lifts, I always have. And these guys here are to no help when by jumping up and down, making the whole damn lift wobble."

Then it was Bryan's turn to give me a question about himself. We had been sitting next to each other, but I had forbidden myself to look at him. When he looked at me, I got cold feet. I was too afraid to make the others realise how I felt for Bryan, and consequently also embarrass myself.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked. "I can get something from the kitchen."

"Now?" Bryan raised his eyebrows.

"I am actually." Kian said.

Bryan looked at me with a suspicious look. "I'll go with you."

AN: How fun you've made it this far! :) Have you enjoyed the story so far? Let me know! And thanks to those of you who have left comments and votes, it really keeps me going! It won't take too long until next chapter is up, it's almost done.

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