Don't Call Anymore

541 2 8

I pick up the phone to call you

but it's always busy

is there someone else you love

who is she?

I tried to text you

but you never reply

and all I want to know

is why

I pick up the phone and it's you

I don't care what you have to say

but I got something to tell you too

"Who are you

No that can't be

you have the wrong number

don't call me"

If you can't tell

you drive me insane

I don't want to speak to you

it's just a pain

Please don't call ever again

don't text me, no

I don't wanna talk

"Sorry I have to go"

I will make up every excuse

don't contact me in anyway

but still you'd call

and I would say

"this is the wrong number

don't call me anymore"

I keep telling you

don't call, not anymore

I don't want to see you 

I'll keep lying, once more

"you've got the wrong number 

so don't call me anymore"

I haven't heard your call in days

I guess you must be busy with her

if I hear the phone ring

"Sorry you have the wrong number"

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