2 - Up Early

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Bakugo POV

I was on the first floor, so I just had to walk down the hallway to get to the common room. The room still had dim lights, but at least it wasn't pitch black. I went straight to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast.

I had the same thing every morning; a glass of ice-cold milk, scrambled eggs, and potato pancakes with butter. Mom used to always make them, until I began doing it, and, like everything else I do, I do it way better than whoever did it first.

After I had finished making my breakfast, I set the plate down on one of the tables and began eating slowly. It was completely silent, and I was alone. I liked it like that.

I finished quickly. I didn't have anything else to do, unless I went back to my room and changed for a jog. I didn't feel like it, though.

Suddenly I felt someone bump into the back of my chair.

"Ah-! What the hell?!" I growled, turning to see who it was. I hadn't heard anyone come into the room.

"I'm sorry!" a quiet voice squeaked.

Deku had a hand on my chair to hold himself up. I looked him up and down. His clothes looked like he'd slept in them, they were wrinkled and looked worn out. He tried to smooth down his hair. I just thought it was strange that he was wearing a sweatshirt. I was hot in my school uniform already.

"Whatever." I bit my lip, looking away.

"I'm gonna..." he stuttered, "I'm gonna go."

He rushed away with a weird look on his face.

I scraped my fork across my plate, scooping up the last scraps of food.

I picked up my plate and dropped it in the sink. I noticed then that the sink was full of dishes. To keep myself busy, I began loading up the dishwasher, and wiping the counters. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Deku walking over to the doors leading to the showers. He glanced at me before opening the door, and stepping inside. I bit my tongue hard as I continued to load up the dishwasher, trying to distract myself. Deku was fine...he was always fine...right?

There was something wrong. The way he seemed shocked that anyone else was up, and the fact he seemed so sad for the past few weeks. When...you know someone for a long time, you can tell when they're down. But I could shake the feeling, and I stood there with my hands on the counter, staring at the plain tile.

I waited for about ten minutes, but I...didn't hear a shower go on.

That's a weird thing to think. I decided to not think about it, but as I walked past the door to get to my room, I heard crying. Fuck it. I threw the door open.


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