The ending of this story

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Everyone was ready to go back home. As for Becca, she was ready to take a few animals with her to the Great Lakes City Zoo and the Great Lakes City Aquarium. Lincoln was kinda glad to see everyone again.

Becca: Don't worry Lincoln, we'll be back soon.

Carlos: Hopefully, we can try to reconnect and wouldn't mind if these animals are going to be taken to zoos and aquariums.

Lincoln: Yep. 

This is the end of this story for now. But don't worry I'll write a sequel pretty soon. It's just that I will write another No Such Luck Au story. Since I would mostly be focus on that.

Lincoln of the jungle 2: Becca's expeditionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ