The arrival

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On the other side of the jungle however, Becca and the search party made their way down the mountain. It was pretty rocky, as they were able to search for Lincoln. They stepped aside though as a cavalcade of mobile laboratary came driving down the ramp. Up ahead, various animals runs out the way of the vehicles. With Becca and co. on the other hand, they were determined to find Lincoln and Lily.

Becca: Guys, stay close. We might be in another world, but be careful as we find Lincoln and Lily.

All: Yes Ms. Chang.

Becca: Good, now let's go.

The ground set off to find Lincoln and Lily. They looked around the jungle, as they started seeing strange monkeys, colorful birds and arboreal lizards.

Benny: I know this is a search and rescue mission/expedition, but I think I am saw a colorful bird.

Becca: What kind?

Benny: It looked like a parrot, but it has the colors of a rainbow.

Becca: I think it appears we are starting to discovery new species.

Just then they encountered a flock of rheamimuses. They appear to be very different: they were black and brown. One them stopped and looked curiously at the group. It possibly seen humans before (like the native people here) but not humans like them. It then continued to follow it's flock as the group continued. Much to David's enjoyment.

David: Well Lisa is not here. But I will fill in for her: it appears these are modern dinosaurs!

All: (expect David) What?

David: Well dinosaurs lived for 180 million years ago, but somehow they seeked refuge here. If lucky, we might even encounter more animals here.

Benny: Whoa!

Sid: Slow down, so there are dinosaurs and other animal species here?

David: Possibly, if lucky: there can be a 90% chance of native people here.

All: Whoa!

Becca: I bet this land can't be that big.

But she was wrong, when they walked around the jungle: it was tiring. They stopped for a few minutes to catch their breaths. They then walked into a savannah filled with more exotic animals: striped mammoths bathing in the lake, other herbivores grazing and giant insects flying overhead. It was much to David's surprise.

David: Well, I think of how this world is underneath us is unknown. Besides, it will be hard to find Lincoln.

Skippy: I am gonna have to agree with him, once in a while. 

Just then David saw a pandahosaurus. The pandahosaurus was one of the notable synapids of Exotic World. They are black and white, have a sail and thumbs. Not to mention they also have a mixure of flat and sharpteeth. They have the same diet as their mammalian counterparts. But however, they tend to sometimes eat grass. They mainly lived in bamboo forests: but they can sometimes wander into open ecosystems and tropical areas. 

David: Whoa! Now this got more exciting!

Maggie: Like what?

David: It appears what I am looking at: it looks like a panda; but it's a modern synapsid!

Maggie: Synapsid?

David: Also known as mammal-like reptiles that live from the Permian Period to the Triassic Period: even before the dinosaurs.

Just then Becca turns around to hear what David said. She had the same question as well of how this world came to be.

Becca: But perhistoric animals are extinct.

David: Or so it seems. (looks back at the pandahosaurus) Well I think everyone animal could've comed from every era and time period: like the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The time periods would be: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Plesitocene and Holocene.

Becca: That's a lot, but close enough.

They then continued to travel, little did they know that Roni was spying on them He decided to go back and tell Lincoln and Linka about this.

Lincoln of the jungle 2: Becca's expeditionWhere stories live. Discover now