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Hajiya balkis

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Hajiya balkis



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So guys this book is coming to an end make sure you vote each and every chapter its important for me. Don't be a silent reader.
Share to your friends too and follow up.

My mom was crying heavenly making me to cry more. I was the strong one but I couldn't anymore my mind was not in it right place.
Everything is going well we got Ammar and that was what yaya want he can't leave no he can't!.
We waited for hours and its already 11:30PM Zainab and farida went back to Ammar's room and he is still not awake too.
"Amma your leg!" I screamed remembering her condition.
"No am fine, they don't hurt anymore bit my heart does" she replied sobbing.
"Amma please calm down"
"Please!" I begged.

The doctor rushed out of the room to my mom with a smile on his face.
That's good!.
"Ma'am its a miracle your son survived the shot" she said adjusting his glasses.
Almost all doctors wear glasses.
Talking of glasses mine fell down when we were running out of the hospital and I can see perfectly.
"Alhamdulillah!" We both chorused.
"Can we go see him?" I asked
"No, he is not in his right state now" he replied.
"Musrafa!!" Came farida's voice running to us.
"Yaya is up!" She shouted making me to run leaving Amma behind.
I couldn't feel my legs as I run as fast as my mind could carry me. So happy I couldn't breath well.
I flung the door open to see Ammar, Hajiya safina and Zainab crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked with my eyes filled with tears.
I was ready to tear up.
"He is up" Hajiya safina said
Tears of joy!.
I walked slowly to him as he turned his face to look at me. It was like I saw him for the first time in my life.
He smiled at me making me to cry into his arms as he raps them around me.
"Musrafa" he whispered.
"Thank God" I said in between Cry's.
"Where is my mom?" He asked.
Where is that hell of a woman? God knows.
I stood up and walked to Hajiya safina.
"Here she is" I replied as tears drop down my cheeks.
"I don't understand" he said sitting up.
We told him everything and he cried a lot.
"Please don't cry my boy" Hajiya safina said giving him a hug.
"I have sisters" he said
"I have sisters!" He said crying out loud.
"Yaya" came farida's voice
He looked at her with an adorable reaction and opened his arms for a hug.
They grouped hug while I stood there crying my lungs out.

"You know I really imagined you to look like this" Zainab said
"Oh really" he replied
"Yes but since Musrafa told me you act abnormal it changed" she replied.
He doesn't act abnormal anymore he looks fine and acts fine.
"Oh I see" he said glaring at me.
"Umm, I missed seeing you like that daman, please do it one last time" I said laughing.
"Okay" he replied shaking his head.
"You still got it" I said laughing.
My hands were in his starring deep into each others eyes.
"You were saying something the other day" Ammar said.
"What was that?" I asked knowing what he meant.
I love you.
"Hmm, I love you" he said squeezing my hand more.
"I love..."
"Ewww, not in front of me" Zainab said interrupting.
"Haba yaya Zainab I wanted to see this beautiful moment" farida exclaimed.
"Why?! Is this how having sisters feel, I never got to hear her say these" Ammar complained snaking his teeth.
"Some other time " I replied with a wink.
"I have to go now" I said
"Where?" Ammar asked.
I totally forgot to tell him about yaya.
"Her brother got shot " farida replied before I could say anything.
"Subahnanllah" he exclaimed
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"How?" He added.
I was speechless I can't tell him who did it.
"Your so called mom did" farida replied.
Let me talk all least.
"What?, I hate her!" Ammar said.
"Please calm down" I said rubbing his soft hand.
" I need to go" I said taking my hand from his.
"I will go with you" he said trying to get up.
"No please stay you need to rest"
"Am perfectly fine"
"With you by my side" he whispered.
"Okay" I giggled.
"We will come to chorused Zainab, farida and Hajiya safina.

" Your brother had been awake since he has been looking for you" Amma said
I ran inside the room to see yaya laying on the bed with his stomach all bandaged up and a nurse giving him injection.
He hates injection so he caused drama but on seeing me he stayed still and let the nurse do her job.
"Yaya" I called sitting down by the bed side.
I don't want to hurt  him but I feel like hugging him right now.
"Baby" Yaya called
"Yaya, how are you feeling?" I asked
"Not good, its really painful" he complained
"Sorry" I said crying.
"Am sorry" he said
"I should be sorry I caused this all"  I replied holding his hands in mine.
"Hello!" Came faridah voice
"Sannu" Zainab said
"Sannun Ku" he replied
"I have a lot to tell you"  I said as I notice yaya lost in thought starring at Zainab.
I see something here.
"Umm I would love to hear it all" he replied in a sarcastic way making us to laugh.
"My man" yaya shouted noticing Ammar
"How are you feeling?" Ammar said rubbing his head.
He still got that shy attitude.
"Am good" he replied
"But you told me you weren't fine" I exclaimed.
"Sorry baby, I feel good now" he replied smiling still looking at Zainab making her to giggle.
"What ever "  I replied glaring at him.
The day went by well.
Amma and Hajiya safina talking all long, Zainab sitting beside yaya for the past hours and farida seats with her brother getting to know him better while I and mubeena seat quietly watching all scenes.

5 weeks later.
"I never get to hear you say it" Ammar said starring deep into my eyes.
"Okay say it first" I replied
"It would be my pleasure"
"I love you and I will always love you"
"Words can explain how much love I have for you, you and only  will be and forever be my golden, I heart Skip's a beat each time I set my eyes on you and for your smile I can do anything"
"I love you,  if there is anything that is greater than love then I do!"
"I love you Ummulkhairi" he concluded giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.
My eyes were filled with tears and my mouth left open nor sure of what to say.
"Please say it so your mouth won't get stuck like this forever" Ammar said
"What if I won't!?" I said laughing
"I will make you" he replied rapping his hands around my wait. My body for tensed and my mind flew into different directions.
"Let me go" I said trying get myself out of the grip.
Please don't let's stay like this forever!.
"No!" He replied shaking his head.
"I love you " I whispered into his ears.
"I need you to say that out loud for the world to hear"
"I love..."
"Yaya Ammi is looking for you" farida came in interrupting.
"Oh God just these three words you don't want me hear " he exclaimed
"Am coming" he replied
"I will be back for you" he said heading for the door.

I and Ammar had been married for 2 weeks now same with yaya and Zainab we got married the same day.
I had never been so happy seeing the love of my life by my side everyday I wake up.
Seeing Ammi(Hajiya safina)  and Amma leaving their best life's.
Zainab and Yaya are the best pair u had ever seen they are so in love with each other.
You live life before it lives you!.

💡💡I hope the ending is perfect
Last chapter, maybe.
Let me know of you want me to continue or should I continue neh?
😰Am tried I have another book  to finish.
Check out my other book "Deep"

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