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I need to go back to that room but how?. Mubeenah.
I called mubeenas number after some seconds she picked.
"Hey bitchy! She shouted
"Am not in the mood for bitchy stuff, when is your IT and where?" I asked.
"Amm, Garden hospital today but am not going because its just attendance and I will ask somebody to write it for me.
" Good, am coming to get your uniform in the next fifteen minutes "
"Okay" she replied.
What!??. She didn't even ask what am going to do with it. I thank God for giving me a fool as a best friend.
I walked out of the hospital and headed to mubeena house.
"Mubeena!!" I shouted after saying my salam silently.
"Yes, yes coming, here is it" she said handing me over her lab coat and face cap with our school badge stamped on it.
"Thank you, won't you ask me.."
"I know you won't do something stupid" she said interrupting.
"Yes" I replied not sure whether what am going to do will get me and her in trouble.

Ammar's POV
I felt something soft on my cheeks not long after I was sent back to the box. Could that be the love of my life? Did she get the message? I have been here for long she ought to have come.
I walked around the room covered with Musrafa paintings and pictures. I feel her close, I really need her now. I don't understand what's happening. Before the surgery I can't  remember anything after it.


Hajiya Maryam POV
"Shegiya, taji wuta ta hakura" I said talking to myself.
My detective just told me safina has dropped her missing complaints in all the state and country police.
"She can never take away my Ammar from me, never! I rather kill him than anyone have him!".
The doctor said the sleeping injection won't be active the way it used to I have to make another decision. Kill or lose. Should I memory wipe him? Maybe I should send him to space or run away from this filthy country.
I sat down and ordered my house help to bring me a bowl of chicken wings and red wine. I have to celebrate!!.

I joined the group of students going for their attendance and joined the line. Did all the necessary things and managed to sneak out of the room. Turning from side to side to avoid been seen by anyone I tried opening the door, to my surprise the door wasn't closed.
Today is my lucky day!!.
I ran to the bed to see  Ammar, I couldn't believe what I was seeing,the Ammar I taught abandoned me is here battling for his life. My love.
"Ammar" I called tapping his cheeks as I checked the time. Yesterday he woke up at exactly 4:05.
"His eyes slightly opened but he seemed lost, I hope he can remember me".

Ammar's POV
The door was slightly opening I ran to exist the door so I would she the voice calling my name.
I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful thing and the cure to my heart ache.
I watched as her lips moved slowly not sure of what she was saying. I couldn't hear her.
" Musrafa " I managed to utter reaching my weak hands to her face. She is real!!.
"Ammar" she replied as tears drop down her cheeks.
"Are you okay?" She asked
"I love you"
"I love yo..."
The door opened making Musrafa to panic and run out of my sight as the  five witches cane in with their charms to take over me.

There was nowhere to hide. A huge room and just a bed and a side drawer. I can't fit into the side drawer so I had to hid under his bed  trying to catch my breathe.
A squeaking sound made me shiver in face. They are about to give him his injection. My body was shaking but I tried holding myself together. After some minutes they left closing the door behind them, with a key!!!.
Shit!! I got locked up. What if Amma or Yaya look for me?!.
I stood by the bed side starring at Ammar's body, he looks so pale his skin was like a baby skin his eyes where firmly closed and his lips were pink as lollipop. I touched his cold body and  tried my best not to cry but I couldn't hold it.
I ran to door hitting it with my hand so hard that it hurt.

Yaya POV
"Where could this girl be?" Amma asked.
"She left since in the morning and it is six o'clock now" she added.
"Yes I have been calling her line it isn't going through "
"Let me go check on her,  hope you will be fine?" I asked.
"Yes inshallah, I would be discharged tomorrow ai" she replied.
I walked out of the room. Typing on my phone and a loud thud on the other side of the corridor made me walk over there.
"Yaya! Amma! Anybody" I hear Musrafa scream.
What is she doing there?.
"Musrafa?!, what are you...."
"Yaya, yaya! Please get me out before they come back" she said crying.
"Alright calm down I will be back"
I ran to the receptionist and asked for a key to the room bit she told me she don't have the key she has to call the doctor to open it without any hesitation I asked for the doctor to be called. I less than 10 minutes the doctor came and he  opened the door to see Musrafa laying on the floor with a lab coat.
What us she doing with a lab coat before I could take another look at the room another doctor came in my way and pushed me out.
"Get our from here!" He shouted.
"What's your problem man!" I shouted
"You need to leave this area and you!" He said pointing at Musrafa.
I don't understand what happening here!??.
"Am sorry sir, I lost my way" she stammered.
"Are you not supposed to be in the attendance room?" He asked her.
Attendance room!?. Can somebody clear me here. I decided not to say any thing maybe she is up to something.
"Get out" he shouted making her to run out of the room and walk pass me without saying anything.
"Hello hajiya we have got a problem" the third doctor said over the phone.
Who could this hajiya be and why are they so protective over this room. What's in it?.

I myself enjoyed writing this chapter.
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