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"You wait here please" I said adjusting my glasses.
"Yes, sure".
"Please" I said again to make my point clear.
This same lecturer has been harassing me for months and am not going to be reckless and allow things go the way he wants it.
I made my way into the office.
"Sir!" I said trying not to make eye contact.
"Ummulkhairi" he said getting up from his seat, with hi big stomach and fat face that looked like mama's pounded yam.
" Come, seat" he said dragging a chair close to him.
"No thank you sir".
"Is anything wrong sir? You called me" I asked.
"No all is fine".
"Its about your test" he said rubbing his bumpy stomach in a weird way which made me stammer.
"Myyy tes tt?"
"Yes!" He replied
"Am afraid you not going to pass your final year exams".
I gasped.
" Did I fail the test?!" I asked adjusting my hand bag on my shoulder.
"No, you just need to do 'something' to pass the test" he said moving closer to his desk.
"Sir!?" I said knowing what he meant.
I rolled my eyes thinking should I sound my alarm or get out of here before this idiot tries something stupid.
Before I could decided on what to do he grabbed me by my arm trying to press me down on my knees.
"Sadiq!?" I shouted.
"Shut up" he said hitting me on my face which my glasses fall off.
"Please sir" I pleaded.
"You have to pass your test right?!"
By the way this so called test is not important I can rewrite it after school and still get my certificate.
I couldn't see well but managed to do so.
I grabbed something I couldn't see but I was sure it was a glass, Award.
Mr arif collapsed on the floor with his face terribly hurt and blood all over.
I ran outside.
Sadiq was standing next to the door with his earphones on not noticing me.
I ran as fast as I could to the gate.
I could hear sadiq calling from behind.
What is wrong with people my life was at risk and he didn't even care.
What if!.

Us(UNEDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz