Part 27🖤

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Johnny walks into the room. "Yes?", "There is someone in your office who wants to see you", "Who is that person", "They didn't say", "Okay. I'll be there" I said. Johnny gives me a nod and leaves the room. "I'll be back wait here" I say. Y/n nods her head and I kiss her forehead. "Bangchan", "Yes Jeno", "Take care of her until I get back", "Of course. Don't worry. She'll be safe" Bangchan says. I get out from her bed and leave her bedroom. I walk to my office. I wonder who it could be, I don't meet anyone at my home, I only meet them at the company. Something was really weird, I can't let my guard down.


I saw darkness and I knew what was about to happen. I was going to have the dream that I had for a year. "Father, please father. Don't go! Father!" I said in my sleep. "Y/n! Wake up!" is what I hear someone say to me. Someone is shaking me. I wake up to see a worried Jeno and I start crying. "Shh. It's okay. I'm here" he says as he takes me in his arms and caresses my hair. Being in his arms made me feel safe and secure. I stayed in his arms until I calmed down. Once I was feeling better, we later there saying nothing. Johnny then comes in the room and tells Jeno that someone is waiting for him. He leaves and I am now in my room alone.

Now I was just sitting on my bed staring at the wall lost in my thoughts. Then Chris comes in the room. "Y/nnie, you'll never guess who came to see Jeno", "Who?", "Josh", "What the fuck is he doing here?", "I don't know but it must be mafia related stuff", "I need to find out what it is about" I say getting up from bed. I get up and put on my slippers. I walk over to my drawer and I opened it and start looking through my close. I couldn't find it, then I realized that I had taken it with me when I went to rescue Chris. I lost it when I was knocked out. "Hey Chris, do you have a spare gun?" I asked. "Yes, why?" he asked. "I lost my gun when I went to go save you and my gut is telling me something" I said.

I looked at Chris and he could tell that I was being serious. He walks over and pulls out a gun and hands it over to me. I take the gun and put it in my pocket. "I really hope that I don't have to use it" I said looking at the floor. "I know it's something that you don't want to do" Chris said. "You know I don't like to kill people but it's part being a mafia" I say giving a sigh. Bangchan could sense how uncomfortable I was with killing people. He just gave me a hug and I hugged him back. I pulled away from the hud after a minute cause I had to know what Josh wanted with Jeno. I take a deep breath and I walk out to Jeno's office.


I walk into my office and I see a man in his 40s, who is tall and I dressed nicely. I've never seen him before but I know he's not here to be nice. I close the door and walk to my desk. "Take a seat" I say signaling to the chair. He takes a seat not saying something. I keep my guard up, I don't know this guy. "Is there something I can help you with" I say. "Look, I know that you are second most powerful mafia in the world and I want to buy the company" he says. When he says that, I immediately remember what y/n had told me and I had to act like I knew nothing. My heart was racing, I just hope he doesn't find her here. Who knows what could happen. "First of all, I'm the most powerful mafia in the world and I'm not selling my company" I said coldly.

He gave out a laugh. "Liam Lee is the most powerful mafia in the world. If you're not going to take my offer then I'll have to take you out. Just like how I took out Liam. No one gets in the way of my plans. So you have one more chance to change your mind" he says looking at me. As he was saying that, I reach for the gun in one of the my my back pockets. I pull it out of my pocket and grip it tightly. I wasn't going to let him hurt me or y/n. If he dared to make one wrong move, I would kill him here in my office. But if I did then y/n would be mad at me and I would explain what happened to her. My icy glare never left his, I wasn't going to let him intimidate me. He was the least of my problems.

"YOU DID WHAT!" someone says barging through the door. We both turn to see who the person is, my eyes widen to see the person. Y/n was standing at the entrance of my office. She had a gun pointed towards the guy. I looked at her and I could see the anger in her eyes. "Y/n, what are you doing here?", "THAT DOESN'T MATTER RIGHT NOW! YOU KILLED MY FATHER! WHY DID YOU KILL MY FATHER?!" Y/n said angrily. "He wanted to sell the company after you said that you wanted to take some time. I wasn't going to let that happen plus I would be the richest, most powerful person in the world" he said. "Josh, I trusted you but father was right. You are no good" y/n said with tears. He throws a smoke bomb and disappears.


I arrive at his office and hear them talking. I hear someone talk and Bangchan was right it was Josh. Josh asks Jeno to see his company which I know is never going to happen. Then I hear him say something, "Liam Lee is the most powerful mafia in the world. If you're not going to take my offer then I'll have to take you out. Just like how I took out Liam. No one gets in the way of my plans. So you have one more chance to change your mind" Josh said. When I hear that, my heart stops. I couldn't believe what was happening. I look over to Bangchan who was also surprised by what Josh said. I grab the gun from my pocket and barge through the door.

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