Part 23🖤

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I had been waiting in the waiting room since 10pm and it was currently 3am. I haven't left since we got here and neither had Bangchan. As time went by, y/n's condition was improving little by little. Dr. Mina approaches us, "Y/n's condition has improved since she came in. I have determined that she's good enough to receive visitors" she says. "Thank you" I replied. I walk into her room and I grab her hand. I sat there starting at her for about 5 minutes or so until something happened. She was opening her eyes after almost dying and after arriving. I missed seeing those eyes of her.


All I see is darkness, it feels like I am floating on air. Then a bright white light engulfs around me causing me to close my eyes. I open my eyes and I see someone in the distance. I realize who those that person is, my father. "F-Father?" I yelled with my voice breaking. He turns around and I run towards him crying. Once I make it to where he is, I hug him really tight and don't let go for a long time. He doesn't say anything at first but just hugs me. It's been a year since the last time I saw him and the last time I hugged him. I look up at my father still crying. He just looked at me with love and with a smile.

I pull away from him still crying really hard. My father wipes aways the tears from my face with his fingers. Before saying anything, he gives me a kiss on the forehead like he has always done. "My little y/n. You look more beautiful and grown up the last time I saw you. You look like your mother. How time flies" father says smiling. "Thanks dad. I've missed you" I say with a smile. "I miss you too my daughter" he says caressing my cheek. "Look, I don't have much time but you need to listen to me carefully" father said. "What? Don't leave! I need you!" I said surprised. "Y/n, listen to me please" father said. I just nodded.

"You need to be careful with Josh, he's not who you think he is. He's very dangerous and powerful. You have Jeno now, you need to trust him completely and you need to be honest with him always. He truly loves you and he will protect you at any cost. All I want is your happiness and Jeno can give it to you. Please remember everything I said" father told my as he grabbed my shoulders. "I will but don't leave me, please" I said with teary eyes. "I have to go my beautiful little girl. I will be back, I promise" he said letting go of my hand. He started to walk away from me. I tried to chase him but I couldn't. "Father! Father! Father! Please don't go!" I said crying. Then he was gone.

I was left there standing alone as I cried my heart out. I was the first time in a year that I've seen or talked to my father. Every day I thought of him and every day I missed him a little more. I tried to follow where he went but I only would make it so far before hitting a wall. I was left with more questions than answers. I needed his reassurance that I hadn't felt for a year. I didn't want him to leave, I was scared of being alone. I know I have Jeno but I just reunited with him, father always knew how to make me feel better. It was like life wanted me to continue my life and not die just yet. Life had so much planned for me that it wasn't going to me die so easily. Then I was engulfed by darkness.

I slowly start opening my eyes and the person I see is Jeno. He looked worried but at the same time he looked relieved. I gave him a sweet smile and he kissed my hand. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "A little tired but I'm fine" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked concerned. "Yes I am. Did something happen?" I said worried. "Well we brought you here the doctors checked on you. Then they said that you where in critical condition and that visitors were allowed. I came to see you and after 5 minutes, flatlined" Jeno said looking at the ground. I was speechless, then it hit. The moment I saw my dad and hugged was the moment I flatlined. Now it made sense why I was able to hug him. I understand why he let go, it was cause the doctors relived me.

I looked at Jeno who was holding my hand and crying. "When you flatlined, I thought I lost you forever. I thought I had lost the girl I love, my love, my reason for living. I didn't know what to do" Jeno said with tears running down his face. I've never seen Jeno cry. Even when we were kids, he didn't cry once. "Baby, it's ok. I'm alive and that's all that matters" I said stroking his hair. Jeno looks at me and I smile telling him it's okay. "You're right. I love you y/n" Jeno said. "I love you too nono" I said before we kissed. We kissed for a long time like we hadn't kissed in years. Jeno pulls aways and stares into my eyes. "Someone is here to see you. I'll go get him" Jeno said. He gave me a peck on the lips before leaving the room.

Maybe 30 seconds later I see someone I wasn't expecting. "Channie!" I said trying to sit up. "Y/n, don't move" Chris said running towards me. Once Bangchan reaches my bed, he hugs me and kisses my forehead. "How are you feeling?" Chris said. "Just a little tired" I said. Chris just gave me a smile. "How are you here?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Bangchan asked confused. "Jeno, hates you. I thought he would have killed you, since you did work for Felix" I said. The thought of him brought shivers to my body. "When you were asleep, we talked and made up" he says seriously. "I'm glad you guys ended on good terms" I responded smiling. The both of us talked for a while until he decided to let someone else visit me. He kisses my forehead before opening the door. "NOONA!"

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