Part 26🖤

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"Yes?" Josh said. "There was a problem with the shipment" his bodyguard said. "Okay. Thank you" Josh said. He looks at me with a smile before speaking, "I need to take care of something" he says. "Oh, okay. Take all the time you need. I'll wait here" I said. He gets up and makes a phone call outside. "Chris, did you get that?" I asked into the microphone. "I got it" Chris says. A few minutes later Josh returns with a not-so-happy look on his face. "Y/n, I'm sorry. Something came up at work and I have to go" Josh said. "Oh, that's okay. These things happen" I said with a smile. "Maybe we could meet up some other time?" he asked. "Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll call you when I'm free" I said smiling. "Okay, I'll see you later" Josh said. "Bye", "Bye" we said hugging before parting ways.

I walk back to the car but making sure that I wasn't being followed. As soon as Bangchan sees me, he can tell that I was tense. "That's was really weird. He was giving off strange vibes" I said looking at Bangchan. "He's not saying the full thing" Bangchan said. I just sat there staring at the road. "Let's go, I don't want Jeno getting worried" I said. Bangchan turns the car on as I take off my mic and earpiece. I put on my seatbelt and we drive home. 15 minutes later, we make it home and I walk to Jeno's office. I walked into Jeno's office and he wasn't there. It was really weird cause he's almost always in his office. I take out my phone about to call him when I see that he left me a message. Then I remembered that I had turned off my phone completely and that's why I didn't feel him message me.

"Hey my beautiful fiancée, I had to go to an urgent meeting, sorry that I can't be home right now. I'll make it up to you when I get home. I love you to death❤️" is what the message read. "Ok nono. I'll be waiting for you and be careful. I love you too💛" is what I replied. I walked out of his office where Bangchan was waiting for me. "He's not in his office. He had to go to a meeting" I said to him. "Oh okay, what are you going to do?" Chris asked. "I'm going to get some food and maybe draw a little and take a nap" I asked scratching my head. "That's sounds like a good plan" he said. We both laughed at the comment and made our way to the dinning room. Since the cook was ordered not to make anything, I had no choice but to cook. To be honest, I didn't mind cooking since I was use to it already.

I walk into the kitchen and make some kimchi, spicy tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, and japchae. It takes me 45 minutes to an hour to make all the food. In the process of making the food, I cut my finger when cutting the vegetables. I was bleeding pretty badly and I cursed really loud causing Chris to come running into the kitchen. Chris saw my bloody finger and he ran to me, "Y/n! What happened?" he asked very worried as my finger kept bleeding. "I was cutting vegetables and the knife slipped and I cut myself" I said to him as calmly as I can. "Wait here" Chris said leaving the room. A few minutes later Chris returns with the first aid and I sit on the chair in the kitchen. He carefully cleans and disinfects the cut, and then he wraps it. Once he's done, I get back to cooking being more careful this time.

Chris helps me set up the table. He was about to leave when I stop him. "Channie, come join me" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yeah I'm sure. You didn't eat anything when we left. You must be hungry" I replied. "Oh no, I'm fine but thank you" he said with a smile. "Chan, you've never been a good liar. Now, please sit and eat" I said in a serious tone. Bangchan knew that I wasn't going to back down so he takes a seat next to me. "Help yourself, there's plenty of food" I said with a smile. Bangchan takes the plate and serves himself food. As we were eating, I noticed that Chris was smiling really widely. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "You were really loud last night" he said with a bigger smile. My eyes widen at his comment. I knew exactly what he was taking about. "I-I don't know what you are talking about" I said embarrassed. Bangchan just laughed. I turned really red like a tomato.

Lunch time was full of laughter and conversations as we finished our food. "The food was ready good" Chris said leaning back in his chair. "You know I cook. You know my food tastes good" I said "annoyed". "Are you sure about that" he said jokingly. "Oh, shut up" I said annoyed for real this time. Chris gives me the 'Oh whatever look' and we both burst out laughing. After laughing for a few minutes, we clean up the table. After cleaning up, I was feeling tired so I head to my room to take a nap. Before I take a nap, I decided to take a bath to help me relax and sleep better. I walk into the bathroom and fill the tub with water while dropping my honey, lavender scented bath bomb. I take my 10 minute bath and leave the bathroom changing into comfy clothes. I get into bed and cover the blanket over as I slowly close my eyes.


It's about 3pm when I arrive home from the meeting that I had. I walk into the house and it was really quiet. I didn't like how quiet the house was, it's usually never this quiet. Fearing the worse, I go looking for Bangchan. I walk as fast a can to her room to see if Bangchan is there. As soon as I see Bangchan standing in-front of y/n's door, I'm relieved to know that she is okay. I was about to enter when Bangchan says something, "Y/n is taking a nap. She was feeling tired" he said. "It's normal, she's still recovering after being kidnapped for 6 days with food or water and from last night. It'll try to not wake her when I go in" I say. "Yeah. She been through so much" Bangchan says staring at a wall. He snaps back into reality and gives me a nod and I open the door to her bedroom. I make sure to open the door as quietly as possible trying not to wake her up. Then I enter her room, closing the door behind me.

I walk up to her bed and I see her sleeping peacefully. I bend over and remove the strand of hair from her face. Before I can admire her face, I crawl in her bed. I look at her and her beauty is breathing taking. Her chocolate brown hair, her light colored skin, her soft, pink lips. Everything about her was beautiful. I was admiring her body when she starts moving and talking in her sleep. "Father, father please don't go. Please! Father, father, father" y/n said crying. I take her in my arms and hug her. I get worried and try to wake up, "Y/n! Wake up!" I say. She wakes up and starts crying into my chest. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here. I'm here. Nothing will happen to you" I said. She just keeps crying and I caress her hair and kiss her forehead. She stops crying and looks as me. "Sorry" she says softly. "It's okay" I reply. We laid there for awhile until someone came in. "Jeno?"

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