Part 2🖤

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I turn around and see a man grabbing my wrist. I don't know who he is but I have a feeling that it is nothing good. "Let go of me" I said standing there. "I don't think so, you're coming with me" he said. He then starts to pull me. I start fighting back not letting him pull me any further. He was about to grab my other arm when I kick him in the leg. It stunts him for a second but he still doesn't let go. He tries to grab me again but this time I grab him and throw him to the floor. I was about to run when he gets up. At this point I didn't have an option so I fought him. Thankfully I knew self defense.

I had gotten a few hits on him but I had to get him on the ground again. He was going to punch me in the face when I grab his arm, twist it, kick him in the stomach and punch him. He fell on the floor and I could see that he was in pain so I ran to my apartment. I ran so fast that when I arrived, I was basically out of breath. Once I entered my apartment, I locked the door and got my knife and gun ready just in case he decided to come to my apartment.

I then remembered the letter that my father had written and I texted Josh that I didn't want to run the company for now. I also told him to deposit the money in my account and then I would donate it to charity. I didn't want to tell him about the incident since he is so busy and I didn't want him to worry but if it happened it again then I would tell him. I took a shower and went to bed trying to forget the incident.


"Boss?" Chenle said. "Yes, Chenle?" I said not looking at him. "The girl escaped" Chenle said. "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ESCAPED!" I said pissed. "I did as you told me but she fought back. I didn't know she knew how to fight and defend herself" Chenle said looking at me serious. "Looks like it's gonna be harder than I thought" I said sitting down. "What are we going to do now?" he asked. I sat there thinking on how to bring her here since she knows how to fight. "Tomorrow you are going to go back there again and don't come back until you bring her here" I said in a cold tone. "How, if she can fight?" he asked. "Take Jaemin, he can help you" I said. "Yes, Boss" Chenle said and left.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Then I remembered what had happened last night and gave out a sigh. I touched the necklace that I had on and just sat on my bed thinking on what to do. I wanted to tell Josh but at the same time I knew my father wouldn't have wanted me to. I wonder what they want with me. Is it cause I am the daughter of Liam Lee; the most powerful Mafia in the world? I don't think so, no one knows that I exist but they do know that my father is powerful but they do know that he's dead and they want to take over the company. I've never told anyone that I'm the daughter of a Mafia. It would only cause problems for us and as my father got older the more in danger we were.

I sat on my bed lost in my thoughts for probably 30 minutes until my second alarm went off and was brought back to reality. I started to get ready for work since today was my last day. I wasn't leaving because of what happened last night, I'm leaving because I'm the daughter of a Mafia. As much as I am excited to leave I am going to miss my coworkers. We made so many memories together but leaving would be better for them. I can't stay in one work space for too long because they could know the truth. It's better this way; for them and for me.

I was at the cafe with my coworkers and we were having a mini goodbye party but we were still working. We took tons of pictures, they gave me gifts but overall we were having fun. After we were done working, we continued the party for an hour but since work hours where over, drinks were involved. I don't drink but either way I still had fun. It did start to get a little crazy when some of the coworkers got drunk and started to dance on the tables. We ended the party 15 minutes early cause one of the coworkers almost got into a fight. I said my final goodbyes to them as I cleaned the cafe and closed it while giving the key to one of my coworkers.

Since it was late I thought that the person who tried to take me yesterday probably left but I was ready if he came back. It didn't take long before my suspicions were correct. "Fuck! Looks like I have to fight" I said under my breath so he wouldn't hear me. This time I lured him into a dark alley were I waited for him. A minute later he came in the alley and I attacked him from behind. I didn't bring a gun or knife with me cause I didn't want to look suspicious. I think that was my biggest mistake. I had been fighting for probably about 10 minutes and I was winning. I was about to punch him when something hits my head making me lose consciousness.

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