Chapter Fourteen

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When the wedding day came, everyone was busy. Ran was with Elise on the bridal car. She was very happy for her cousin, even if it was an arrange marriage for her she just hoped that their marriage would work and the both of them would be happy.

" Are you ready, Elise? " Ran asked, Elise only gave her a tight smile. She patted her back giving her some encouragement before she went out of the car.

" Ran! Wait! " Ran looked back at the bride and smiled at her.

" I have a question " Elise said, she only nodded to let her continue.

" have you ever loved someone? " she said making her laugh at her own question

" How foolish of me, you're engaged and I asked that question " Ran only smiled at her and answered.

" Yes of course Elise, love is a very scary emotion but it's also the most wonderful feeling ever.  But the pain cannot be taken away easily especially if the person you love the most broke you. I'm not trying to scare you Elise I just want you to be happy, and try to make the most out of everything " Ran said smiling at her.

After a few moments the wedding started. There whole ceremony, Ran felt Damon's cold eyes staring at her, but she didn't let him win again. She tried to stay calm and focus on the couple. When the wedding ceremony ended. Damon tried to go near her but she immediately went to Fede. They both walked out of the church.

" Ran, why don't you talk to him for the last time " Fede suggested.

" There's nothing to talk about Fede " she said but her best friend chuckled.

" Talking to him won't harm you Ran. At least clear everything with him, it's better to leave the country with a light heart " he said that made her look at him.

Fede wasn't the selfish kind of person, maybe that was reason why she called off their engagement, she didn't want to ruin their wonderful friendship. She smiled warmly at Fede that made him smiled genuinely at her.

" Your right, Fede " she said agreeing to his suggestion.

At the reception everyone was having a good time, they were laughing, dancing, and talking. The newly wed. Smiled to every guest. The couple were now having their first dance, looking at their faces it wasn't clear that their marriage was just arrange, they looked at each other like they were long time lovers.

Ran smiled at the couple. She was about to get up, when she saw Damon walked towards her seriously. At first she wanted to hide, but when she looked at Fede's eyes she nodded at him.

" Let's talk " Damon said with a serious tone. Ran only nodded, and let Damon leas the way.

They went to a bar outside the reception hall of the hotel where the celebration was happening. When they settled down at their own seats, Damon ordered their drinks first before he looked at her.

Ran was about to speak when Damon spoke first " why? Why did you tell me you were engaged " he said.

Ran only shook her head " I was about to tell you but you were to persistent " she said afraid to confront him.

" But look on the bright side Damon, you and your wife could start a new life together with your second child " she said touching his shoulder.

But she was stunned at what Damon did, he shoved her hands away from him and looked at her eyes " reconcile? She's not the woman I love!!! You are " he said blurting out.

Ran didn't know what to say, she looked down and thought that it's much better if it's like this the pain would lessen " I am already engaged Damon and I hope you'd respect that " she said.

Damon didn't replied to her words, Ran stood up from her seat and patted Damon's back leaving him alone. He couldn't bare the thought she'd marry someone else. He regretted marrying Becca, he regretted every decision he made in the past. Now he felt numb because of the pain he feels right now.

The whole night, he drowned himself with liquor making himself very drunk. He thought the pain would subside but it was useless, everything they say about getting drunk to forget about the pain and the woman you love was a lie. Damon didn't know what happened or how he had safely came home.

The next day he woke up with a painful head ache and a hangover. Trying to adjust his eyesight, he saw the familiar surroundings, it was his room he first looked at his clothes, he was already wearing his white shirt and gray pants, wondering who changed his clothes last night then he looked at the bedside table, where a cup of hot coffee was there and a tab of medicine for his head ache.

He stood up from his bed, feeling light headed, he took his coffee, his phone and a tab of medicine and went to his balcony. When he sat down, he started to sip his coffee to relieve his hangover. He took out his phone on his pocket and started browsing at his news app when his soon to be ex wife seated next to him.

" What are you doing here? " He said, not giving Becca a single glance.

" At least a thank you would be nice, I was the one who picked you up and change you clothes " She said as she opened her news paper. Damon then raised his brow and looked at her.

Becca was giving Damon a fake smile " my dearest husband I am not that cold hearted " He only shrugged and finished his coffee to leave, but Becca had caught his wrist.

Damon was about to retrieve his wrist when Becca spoke " please Damon let's work our marriage " she said faking a tear. He only gave her a scoff.

" You should have done that the moment I gave you another chance, Becca. And don't you dare try to act as a victim. With or without Analise we're still going through with the divorce and I'll be having the costudy of your child " Damon said, finalization was clear on his voice.

Becca was frozen from her seat, too stunned at what Damon said. It took a couple of minutes before she realise Damon was serious and now she is broke and has no family. Out of anger she threw the vase outside the balcony and shouted all her frustration and anger out.

After Damon had freshen up, he left his villa and went to see Ran and try to talk to her calmly. He felt stupid for not talking to her calmly. When he got to the Nevascues Villa, he was about to rang the doorbell when Nikko had opened the door.

" Nikko, is Ran inside? " Damon said without hesitation. Nikko was stunned to see him but quickly diverted his gaze somewhere else.

Damon waited for Nikko to reply to his question but he didn't answer. So he called his attention again. " Nikko, can I speak to Ran? I know I'm such a foolish man and a jerk but I — " Damon was cut off by Nikko.

" Damon, Ran already left the country " he blurted out making him stopped talking.

" When? " He asked him with a low voice.

" Last night after both of you had a conversation, sue immediately bid her goodbye and left the hotel to catch their flight to Italy " Nikko explain, pity was written in his eyes when he saw Damon's shoulders slumped.

Nikko patted his back and said a few words to him but he didn't listen, he felt his world just stopped turning. Like his other half of him disappeared again, especially how his chest felt like there was a whole in it. After 6 years he felt the same pain when his Analise left him ... Again and this time she took his heart out with her.

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