Chapter Two

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After Ran's early visit at Federico's little Cafe Restaurant. She immediately went home and called her assistant to book her an international and local flight going back to the Philippines. Then she ordered her assistant to cancel all her business appointments for the whole month.

After speaking to her assistant she went up to her son's room and started packing his things. It was almost past 10 A.M. when she was about to finish packing her son's clothes, his son suddenly came inside the room, with his nanny holding his kite.

" ciao mamma, perché stai facendo i bagagli? ( hello mom, why are you packing? ) " He innocently asked her mother. Ran finally zipped his travelling bag filled with her son's clothes and finally sat on his bed facing her son with a soft smile.

" la mamma deve andare nelle Filippine, e resterai a casa di tuo zio Federico ( mom has to go to the Philippines, and your staying at Uncle Federico's home ) " Ran said to her son.

" non posso venire con te? ( Can't I come with you? ) " His son asked again with a bit of excitement on the little boys voice, she sighed and went near to her son.

" è un affare importante, figliolo, forse la prossima volta ( it's an important business , son, maybe next time ) " she smiled at her son who only nodded.

" per quanto tempo starai nella mamma delle Filippine? ( How long are you staying in the Philippines, mom? ) " His son asked again

" solo un mese, amore mio, tornerò ( only a month, my love, I'll be back) and besides you'll have fun with your Godfather. You've always love to visit him " Ran smiled, seeing his son nodded and got excited. Her son then hugged her.

" Always take care of yourself mom, I hope you'd have fun on your business trip " she smiled at what her son said and hugged him back. Ran was lucky to have a son like Seth who understands her.

After explaining to her son, she then went to her room to pack her clothes, when she got an e-mail from her assistant about her scheduled flight going to the Philippines. The whole day she was preparing and packing her stuffs. She finally finished packing her stuffs around 4 P.M. She took a deep breathe and exhaled deeply, she went to her balcony and saw the sun was setting.

Her mind couldn't avoid the thought that after six years, she's going back to the Philippines. She's just hoping that she won't be crossing paths with the man she's avoiding or hiding for six years. She shrugged it off and went inside her house to help prepare for dinner.

The next day. Ran and Seth went to Federico's home. When Federico opened his door, Ran immediately gave Seth's things to him and Seth had jumped to hug him. He smiled at him and let Seth go inside his home. Federico then looked at Ran, and accompanied her to the taxi cab she rented.

" Are you sure, you'll be alright? " Federico asked, she smiled at him wearily.

" I don't know Fede, but I can handle any pressure or problem " She said reassuring him and he just smile at Ran.

Before Ran went inside the cab, she hugged Federico and smile at him then she went inside. As the taxi was driving her away from Federico's home, she looked back and saw his friend waving at him. Ran doubted her decision of going back to the Philippines, but she knew she had to come home for her cousin, Elise.

The ride going to Metropolitan Bologna was short it only took the taxi cab 39 minutes. As the taxi stopped at the train station of Bologna, she then rode the train going to Metropolitan Rome. It then immediately left after waiting for an hour. As she sat  down on her seat, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She knew she had a long way before getting to her destination but she couldn't help the fear and nervousness creeping through her system. She doesn't know what lies ahead, when she gets there. The only thing she did to get rid of the fear and nervousness on her system was reading a book. She took out her Romance Novel,and put on some earphones to listen to some soothing music and she peacefully enjoyed diverting her attention to something else.

At 1:38 P.M. she arrived at Metropolitan Rome, she quickly took a cab and went straight to Leonardo da Vinci International Airport. She sighed as she got to the airport on time for her flight. An hour had past when she finally got to settle down on her seat on the plane, she felt exhausted. The plane was about to leave the airport. As she waited the plane to take off, she slowly closed her eyes and doze off to sleep.

After 13 hours and 26 minutes of flying in the air, Ran had arrive at Ninoy Aquino International Airport at exactly 9:26 A.M. She then transfer to another plane going to Bacolod. An hour had past she arrived at Bacolod- Silay International Airport. She was definitely exhausted by the long flight, she didn't bother to greet the person who had fetch her from the airport. She was to consumed at her aching head.

She went inside the car silently, and breathe deeply as she close her eyes because of her jetlag. The ride going to Don Salvador was silent because Ran had fallen asleep. When they arrive at Kilometer 55 ,were the Nevascues Villa was located, Ran unconsciously noticed she was lifted from the car until to her room. Where she had comfortably fallen back to sleep.

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