Chapter Twelve

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After their talk, Damon didn't stop sending her flowers. He would also bring chocolates or different varieties of food every time he visits her. At first Ran was a bit overwhelmed at what Damon was doing, he took his courting very seriously. It was very different from before.

Ever since their talk, everything went smooth. They would laugh and smile at each other every time they attend their cousin's wedding practice. And as days passed by their cousin's wedding gets near and both of them started to get comfortable at each other's presence.

It was already noon when Ran had finished all her work earlier. She got bored walking around the Villa so she decided to go to the garden to relax. While on her way to the garden she took her sketch pad and pencil and continued to walk out of villa to go to her favorite spot in the garden.

When Ran entered their garden, she felt at peace, her eyes had closed peacefully when the cold breeze of Don Salvador had caressed her creamy skin. She smiled at how relaxing the place was. Ran continued to walk inside the garden until she found her favorite spot which was the white woven hammock that was tied to a sturdy branch, facing the white fountain and the beautiful view of nature.

When Ran sat down at the white woven hammock, she begun to sketch, after minutes of silence she heard someone strumming a guitar. When she looked at the side, Ran was shocked to see Damon walking towards her while playing a guitar and singing towards her.

Hey, have you ever tried
Really reaching out for the other side
I may be climbing on rainbows
But baby, here goes

Damon only looked at Ran as he sang the first paragraph of the song. His heart started to pound when he saw Ran looking at him listening to his song. Damon was nervous, it was his first time letting someone hear his voice.

Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if you're wondering what this song is leading to
I want to make it with you
I really think that we could make it, girl

Looking at Ran while singing this to her felt good, it was his first time to court a person. It never occurred to him that he'd get to sing a song for her. But because Nikko suggested to serenade Ran, he immediately agreed.

No, you don't know me well
In every little thing only time will tell
But you believe the things that I do
And we'll see it through

Ran felt like she was trapped in a trance, her eyes were locked to Damon's dark charcoaled ones while he sang the song like it was made for the both of them letting out all his emotions. Ran felt her heart leap out of her chest. She didn't wanted to feel it again but she couldn't help but beat her heart for him.

Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
I really think that we could make it, girl

As if time stopped for her, the only thing she saw was Damon serenading her. She couldn't help but remember their past those moments that they were both happy, before she knew his lie. Ran suddenly felt sad at the thought that what if it never happened could they be a happy family by now?

Baby, you know that dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
And if I chose the one I'd like to help me through
I'd like to make it with you
I really think that we could make it, girl

She was lost on her thoughts but got back from her reverie when Damon knelt down and looked into her eyes smiling genuinely. Ran tried to smile genuinely but she could only master a shy smile.

" What are you doing, Damon? " She asked him with amusement in her eyes.

" Well I'm serenading you " telling the obvious. Ran only smiled thinking how foolish was her question.

" What I meant to ask was why are you serenading me at this time of hour? " She asked again.

Before Damon could tell her the reason, he scratched the back of his neck and looked away shyly " have a date with me, Ran " he blurted out.

" What? I mean when? I mea— " she suddenly stopped answering him because Damon was already smirking like he already got his answer.

" Well, I wanted to have a dinner date with you tonight " Damon explained. Ran wanted to agree but what about the bachelorette party.

" But what about the bachelorette and bachelor's party? " Ran asked.

" There's no party, the couple declared it earlier " she wanted to decline but she only nodded unconsciously at him.

" Ok, pick me up at 6 pm " Ran said, making Damon smile widely.

Because of joy Damon thanked Ran, and kissed her forehead before leaving joyfully to prepare for their date. Ran only smiled at Damon did he was goofing around like a happy kid.

When afternoon came, Ran decided to leave the Villa to buy some errands when the maids of the house were very noisy. She went to the front door finding their maids stopping a woman.

" What is happening here? " She said noting to everyone her presence. The maids suddenly bow down at her.

" Ay ma'am pasensiya kaayo sa saba, naa man gud sigeg pangita kay ser Damon, ma'am " the maid explained.

" Indi man mamati subong ma'am, daw ka gahi man snag ulo sini, ma'am. Hambal namon way na si ser Damon pero Indi gid cya malakaw ma'am " the other maid said. Ran only nodded at their explanation as let them leave.

The woman then looked at Ran from head to toe and smirked " so your the infamous mistress, still your the reason why Me and my husband couldn't work our marriage " Ran was stunned at what she said.

So your Damon's wife, she said inside her mind. Ran didn't mind talking back at her and was about to leave and call the security when the woman grabbed her arm to slap her in the face.

But what the woman didn't expect, Ran slapped her back twice. " You listen whore, I won't let you ruin our marriage. In fact I am hear to fetch my husband, where is he? " She said, Ran only looked at her blankly.

" Talk whore, I have no time for a staring contest " she said, but Ran only shrugged, she turned her back on her. The woman was about to grab her when she spoke coldly " you're free to look for him inside my villa but. I assure you, your husband left moments ago to prepare for our date " she said truthfully.

The woman laugh without humor " date? How delusional are you, why would my husband date her mistress. Listen here whore, you're nothing but his second choice I am his wife and your nothing. We are fixing our marriage " Ran was about to talk back when she stood frozen after what the woman said.

" I know me and my husband can fix our marriage if you just disappear, I won't let you ruin the family me and him built especially now we're expecting another child " Ran didn't look nor respond to what the woman said. She gracefully went up to her room.

When she got inside, her hands were already trembling because of pain. How foolish of me she said on her mind. She felt like a fool again. Ran grabbed all her might to not cry, she dialed Federico's number. After a couple of ring Fede answered.

📞: Ran! What a pleasant surprise, wait I'll call —

Before Fede could call Ran's son, she couldn't help but cry and mastered three words. Trying not to puke.

📞: I need you

Avoiding Damon (COMPLETE ✅)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя