Chapter Ten

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When Ran arrived at the Villa, she immediately went to her room. She open her closet door and took out her traveling bag and her clothes. She was busy packing her things when her cousin went inside.

" Hey Ran, I wanted to asked you about the food testing earli — er, wait why are you packing your things " Elise immediately asked after she noticed Ran putting her clothes on her traveling bag.

" Uhm, I wanted to tell you I'm leaving tonight " Ran said trying to smile at her.

" What?! Why are you leaving soon? my wedding is a week from now?! " Elise blurted, and Ran only shrugged.

" There was a problem with my work, and I uhm I am needed " She tried to explain but end up having a bad alibi.

Elise nodded but was not satisfied, she excused herself and left Ran. She immediately went to her fianceé who was busy talking on the phone. She wanted to slap Marco on the face, cause she knew it was his flings again but she didn't wanted to loose her poise so she coughed very loud to let Marco know she was inside.

Marco immediately ended his call and scowl at her, she only rolled her eyes at him. " What do you want, future wife? " Marco asked on a sarcastic tone. But she only snorted at his words and sat on the sofa facing him. " I wanted you to call Damon and ask him what happened, why is Ran leaving again, future husband " she said mimicking his tone earlier.

Marco only grumbled at his words while calling Damon, Elise wanted to smile at what he did but she refrained herself from smiling. She knew Marco and her were only getting married because of their merging companies, at first she wanted to protest but she knew from the very start she was raised to marry a man her parents choose for her and her brother.

And fate was a bit cruel for her, she was shocked to know Marco was her betrothed. At first she hated his guts but eventually she fell in love with him because of his act in front of their family. But she knew Marco couldn't love, that's why she tries to hide her emotions when they're alone. She may be in love with him but she will not give him the liberty of breaking her heart.

She was too consumed at her thoughts that she didn't notice that she was spacing out at the window, she didn't notice Marco was done talking to Damon and was already looking at her. He took the chance to look at his future wife. Marco never wanted to get tied to a woman but after his parents told him it was Elise, he suddenly agreed without thinking it twice and now he's here inside the library silently looking at his future wife.

Unconsciously Elise looked at Marco and she was surprised to see him looking at her. It was the first time Marco looked at her in the eye, she scowled in confusion while he silently gulped after getting caught. Elise was about to tell him something when they heard the front door slammed closed. Marco mentally thanked the noise because Elise immediately left him alone.

Meanwhile, Ran was about to close her traveling bag when her door was suddenly slammed open, letting the intruder get inside her room and successfully locked the doors. At first she was shocked but  ended up scowling at the intruder.

" What are you doing here? " She asked Damon furiously. But she was taken a back when she saw how dark his expression was.

" I think I'm the one asking you that, Analise " He said darkly making her gulp.

She turned her back at him and continued to zip his bag but Damon stopped her " I'm leaving for work " she said but Damon only snorted at her alibi.

" The last time I left you to think, you left me and never came back and now I'm hear trying to talk to you your leaving again! " He said with frustration.

" Talk about what Damon, our little talk was over years ago, what do you want us to talk about! There's nothing to talk about! " Ran shouted.

Ran didn't expect what Damon did next, she stood frozen from her place when she saw how he knelt down and took her hands and looked into her eyes.

" Please, I beg of you, please... D-don't leave. " Damon begged at Ran, she only sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Ran then looked at Damon's moist eyes.

" Please don't leave. Please hear me out, aren't you tired of this " Damon said, letting his emotions flow through his eyes.

Ran had took a deep breathe before exhaling, it was frustrating for the both of them, she didn't wanted to talk to him since the day she got here. But Damon was right, it was tiring to avoid and hide.  Ran only nodded at what Damon said, she hoped after their little talk, everything would end with a good closure for the both of them.

" Ok, let's talk Damon, tonight 7 sharp at the garden " Ran said that made Damon's eyes hopeful that they can amend everything once in for all.

Damon nodded, he stood up and excused himself. He immediately left Ran. After he left, she looked at the door where Damon had gone through to leave her alone. She knew for herself it was best to have a closure from the past and move on but she knew to herself that there was a part of her hoping they would work and somehow she's afraid at the thought of falling back to his arms and get broken again.

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