Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Good job today girls! We have a couple more months until the prelims so keep working hard and we're sure to make it to nationals!"

We finished cleaning up the gym and we began to leave. I was walking alongside our vice captain, Hikari Miyu, AKA my best friend.

"I guess the boys are still practicing. Come on!" I ran towards the boys gym door with her following close behind me.

Opening the gym door as quietly as I could, I peeked in and saw him talking to the team with his back towards me. I snuck inside creeping up behind him. Kenma noticed me and I put my finger to my lips so he wouldn't say anything and he nodded. Once I got close enough I ran and jumped on his back.


He screamed and slightly lost his balance.

"Y/N!" He turned his head to look at me on his back and I heard the others laugh.

"Whaaat? I'm not doing anything." I teased. "Also since when did you scream like a girl?"

His face turned slightly pink and he facepalmed and sighed. Everyone started laughing.

"Can you get off me?"

"Nah, I'm comfy."


"Keep going I'm not stopping you."

He sighed and continued talking to his team with me still hanging onto him and my head resting on top of his.

Once he finally finished everyone got their bags and headed out since they had already cleaned up.

"Get down. You can carry your own damn bag!" He yelled at me.

"But I'm tired!" I argued.

"I am too. Now get down."

I groaned as I hopped off of him and grabbed my bag.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Tetsurou and I are siblings. Twins to be exact. Though I am older (By 17 minutes) he's still a few inches taller than me (but I'm almost there). We both have black hair and I usually keep mine up in a ponytail. We're also both captains of our schools volleyball teams. Basically we're like the same person. And this causes a lot of arguments.

As we argued about what to have for dinner Kenma and Hikari talked beside us and finally Hikari turned to us annoyed.

"You have this argument every night! Is it really that difficult?"

We both turned to her and yelled, "YES!"

She sighed and Kuroo looked at me.

"Also Bokuto's staying over tonight."

I groaned. "Hikari! Don't leave me alone with those stinky boys!"


She laughed, "Fine."

"Yay!" I cheered and now it was Tetsurou's turn to groan.

A little after parting ways with Kenma we finally made it home to see Bokuto waiting for us. Him and my brother did their weird bro hug thing. Me and Hikari walked past and I unlocked the door and went in.

Mom and Dad were both on separate business trips since they would never survive going on one together.

Before I walked any further in the house I called back out to Tetsu, "Tetsu get your ass in here and help with dinner or else I'm locking you out and you can sleep with the rats!"

This made him and Bokuto hurry into the house while Hikari was dying beside me.

I smirked, "Just kidding, Hikari's helping me." I turned and walked to the kitchen.

I could still hear her laughing as she followed behind me.

"FUCK YOU Y/N!" I heard him yell and I was now laughing too.

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