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The best part about being me is that coach brings me fast food for lunch, because he doesn't trust the cafeteria ladies.

  "What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asks Scott as I take a bite of my burger.

  "Because during the full moon, he wasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night, attacking some totally innocent guy." Scott sighs in irritation.

"You don't know that."

"I don't not know it. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."

"No, you're not cancelling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life! We'll figure it out." Stiles replies agitated. Honestly I am in love with this burger.

  'Figure out what?" Lydia asks, before sitting down.

   "Just, uh, homework..."

"Yeah...Why is she sitting with us?" Stiles asks Scott and I. Mostly me.

  Before I know it, more people sit down with us, and a boy I don't know sits beside me at the head of the table.

"Thanks!" I hear Allison say as I raise my eyebrow up at the guy who has enough backbone to sit by me.

  "Get up." Jackson glares at the guy.

"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" The guy whines.

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot. And I am not sitting by the untouchable girl of the school." Danny scoffs.

Untouchable? Danny makes it seem as if I am the prize of the school. Which I can assure anyone, I am not.

  The boy sighs and gets up and Jackson sits down.

  "Kara. Trade me seats." Lydia tells me.

"No. Sit." Jackson glares at her, and grabs my arm as I try to get up and pulls me back down. Of course, I can refuse, but a pissed Jackson is something I don't need.

  Oof. Trouble in paradise.

  "So, I hear they're saying its some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny tries to cut the tension

  "I heard mountain lion." Jackson inputs.

   "A cougar is a mountain lion...Isn't it?" She adds after Jackson glares at her.

  "It is." I smile at Lydia.

  "Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson inputs. Which is true. The alpha probably already has a plan to takr him out.

"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." Danny says looking at his device as we all crowd around him to see.

"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."

Looking at the mans face, Scott gasps, "I know this guy."

  "You do?" Allison asks. Did you just hear him? He obviously said he does. People these days are so dumb.

  "Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Acott has a dad? I just automatically assumed that his dad was dead.

Lydia sighs. "Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Lydia turns to Allison. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?" Oh no. She is totally about to crash their date.

"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do..." Allison hesitates.

"Well, I am not sitting home again, watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun." Lydia smiles. Lacrosse videos? Jackson and I usually go bowling every Friday night. Dang! He is ditching me too!

Scott almost chokes, "Hanging out? Like, the four of us?" He turns to Allison in almost a plea, "Do you wanna hang out, like, us and them?"

"Yeah, I guess... Sounds fun..."

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Jackson raises his fork to his face. "Besides. Kara and I have plans. Like usual." He shrugs, before Lydia snatches away his fork.

"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia ignores Jacksons comment.

  "Yeah, with actual competition."

"Why thank you for calling me competition. Besides, we were going to do that anyway. I think you might enjoy a change of partners." I say to him as he scowls at me for taking Lydias side.

"How do you know we're not actual competition? You can bowl, right?" Allison asks Scott.

  "Sort of..." Scott says unsure.

"Is it "sort of," or "yes?"

"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler." Scotg glares at Jackson.

  "Really?" I smile at him and he smiles at me and nods.

"You are welcome to join Kara. I have been meaning to set you up on a date anyway." Lydia smiles at me and Jackson stiffens.

"Really? Who were you thinking?" I ignore Jacksons glare.

"Well, there is this guy, he goes to a different high school so you don't have to worry about your dad."

"Ooh. I like him already." I say smiling.


  "You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaims as we head off.

  Scowling Scott shouts, "I know! I'm such an idiot."

  "Yes. Yes you are. I am glad you have seen the light." I say as he scowls at me."

"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and the out of nowhere comes that phrase..." Stiles exclaims. Haha. Scott is in deep now!

Nodding, Scott replies, "Hang out."

"You don't "hang out" with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."

"Hey! I hang out with Danny! He is a cool guy." I reply defensively.

  "How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't." These conversations are jumbled.

"I don't think Danny likes me very much..." Stiles comments out of nowhere.

"What am I going to wear for my date? What does this guy even look like?" I sigh.

  "I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out..." Scott continues.

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"
Stiles asks.

"What if my date turns out to be gay?"

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now-now I'm gonna be late for work."

"Wait, Scott you didn't-- am I attractive to gay guys!" Stiles shouts at Scott as he leaves. "You didn't answer my question!" He sighs and turns to me, but I start texting Lydia to see what I should wear.

Oh god. What if he thinks I am fat? Why did I even say yes to this?

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