Could have been

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It brings me great joy to have taken a shower and curl up into my bed, but why is someone shaking me awake?

What did I do to deserve this torture?

   "Mhmm?" I groan rolling over in my bed.


"Derek?" I groan blinking back the traces of sleep. "How did you get in my house?"

  "You left the door open."

"Oh. I must've forgot to lock it." I chuckle nervously.

   "It was wide open." He raises an eyebrow.

"What? Pfft. Your just imagining things now." I wave my hand at him and tug my covers around my shoulders to make it look like I am an Eskimo.

  "Where's your parents?" He asks in disbelief.

The disrespect of this bitch.

"I live alone." I reply.

"Didn't answer my question."

"Because your not my boss, bitch."

"Kara." He glares as I finally stand up.

  "If you don't want to watch, look away. My house. My rules." I smirk as I realize I do indeed only sleep in an oversized t-shirt I stole from Jackson.

  "Kara. I am trying to have a serious conversation with you."

"And I was having a serious dream." Which may or may not involved Panda Express, chicken noodle soup, and a certain someone being my date.

"Kara." He practically barks, trying to act tough. "Me and you, it isn't going to happen." He sighs.

Ex-fucking-scuse me bitch? Did I give him my undying love? I think the fuck not. Who does this biotch think he is? A hot Italian mob boss?

I practically choke on my own spit as he continues, "I have seen the way you look at me, and I know we are ma-"

"Let me stop you there." I put my hand up to his mouth and feel tiny sparks, but I continue to speak ignoring the beautiful feeing. "Did I drool over you? Maybe. Did I call you a machine from Zeus himself? Possibly. But when the fuck did I ever tell you that I wanted there to be an us?"

He removes my hands with two fingers, almost as if in disgust, "Kara. I am not joking. I won't hesitate to end anyone of your, or your friends lives." Woah.

What an ass?

Why is he my mate? Why not Scott? Or someone cool like a ninja?

"Is this it? That's all the talk?" I glare at him, looking deep in his eyes.

"That's all the talk." He nods and then roughly grabs my face in one hand and pulls me by back with the other.

Holy shit. We're kissing. Oh my sweet gummy bears, I am kissing him back! When did I learn to do this? Woah. How do I even know he is good? It feels amazing.

He finally lets me go, as we both breathe roughly. Woah.

And then he rushes out the door.

What a dick move.

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