Heartbeat Better

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"Kara!" I hear Jackson yell at me.


"So. Is it true? Are you looking for a boyfriend?" He asks casually.

"Yeah. I think it is time. Too bad the best guy is already taken." I pat his arm and as I turn to leave, he grabs my waist spinning me around. I am just a breath from his face.

"I can change that." He smirks at me.

"No you can't. I know you and Lydia have a good relationship. I am not a home-wrecker. I know you love her." I sigh and pat his chest and push back from him.

"For you, Kara, I would do many things." I sigh and abd shake my head, and then comes my beacon of hope.

"Stiles! Hey!" I yell as I see him in the hallway looking for Scott I presume... Ig doesn't matter. He got me away from Jackson and that is that matters.

I can't date my best friend. I don't see Jackson that way anymore. Not since he started dating Lydia.

"Hey... Kara." He mummbles.

"You should talk louder. It has been proven to show confidence and decrease depression." I smile at him as O put my hands behind my back.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to talk to me... In public." He shrugs nervously.

"Are you kidding me? I would rather talk to you than all the fake people out there." I smile at him and gesture to the wholr school with my hands. "Besides. Greenburg won't stop hitting on me. No matter how many times he runs suicide runs." I shutter. Gross.

"Oh. Hows Lydia?" He tries to ask casually, but I hear his heart skip when he says her name. That is so cute.

"Fine I guess. I haven't talked to her recently." I shrug.

"Hey, come here." Stiles says, as he finally spots Scott.


"Come here. Tell me what they're saying. Can you hear 'em?" Stiles asks about his dad and the principal.

"I want everyone under the age of eighteen to be in their home by 9:30PM. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately." I hear the sheriff speak.

"Look, we don't--"

"Curfew because of the body." Scott shakes his head.

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants." Did I miss something? They found out who killed the Hale girl?

"Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek." Scott shrugs. Derek? The hot-breath taking- werewolf- dude?

"I can do something."

"Like what?"

"Find the other half of the body." Stiles speaks.

"Are you kidding?" Scott asks him. Just then more Allison drama ocurrs. Gross. Though, I should talk to Lydia about Jackson. Or maybe not...

After I finish spacing out I walk over to Allison and Scott as I see an object- well more like smell- an object that intrigues me.

Is that Derek's Jacket? Why does she have it?

After finding out that Allison had Derek's jacket, a part of me became mildly jealous.

I have no clue why. Dont ask me. A very large portion of me wants to gauge her eyes out.

So feeling the rage of both me and me and Scott, we march right on up to the abandoned Hale house.

"Derek! DEREK! Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything!" Scott screams. I don't couldn't care less about her. I want to know why she gets his jacket!

"Yeah? What if she does?" Which she probably does, considering her family is full of hunters. "You think your little buddy Stiles can just Google 'Werewolves' and now you got all the answers? Is that it?" No. I am hoping he doesn't tell him about me. I am Swedan in this shit.

"You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you. Think about what could happen. You're on the field... the aggression takes over... and you shift in front of everyone-- your mom, all your friends... and when they see you... everything falls apart." Derek says, finally getting through to Scott. I however think Scott can handle this. Scott turns to leave and as soon as he is out of ear range, Derek turns to me.

Holy cheese balls. He is hot.

"Why haven't you told Scott about me?" I ask.

"Because the less people know what you are, the safer you are."

"You. Why do you have this... This-"

"Effect on you? My charm appeals to many."

"So that's it?" I ask hurt.

He turns his head away and looks at thd ground. "Yes."

Huh. Maybe we are not mates like I thought. I mean. How dumb of me to assume that the first really hot guy I meet is mine.

"Fine. I needed to know. So if thats it. I guess I have a date." I shrug.

I hear him growl and loudly stomp back into his house slamming the door.

Man. He must really hate me.

On the plus side, I can date guilt free now!

Hey waffle fires!🔥🔥🔥

Don't forget to fllow, vote, and comment. And I have other stories I am currently publishing, feel free to read those!

I will update soon!

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