Chapter 15

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Two years. That's how long it took for the food supply to become stable. During that time, we endured tough periods of starvation. Exhaustion and malnutrition heartbreaking became the norm. During the toughest times, we could only eat a bowl of water soup a day. I sat in my compartment, desperately trying to ignore the pains and growls coming from my stomach and the nauseating effect it had on me by turning my attention on coming up with futile plans to get through the period. When that didn't work, I buried myself deep into my military tactics book.

There were the deaths. The entire population had that worn-out skeletal look that was so common during the Dark Days. Hollow eyes, gaunt faces, hunched over bodies. The lingering scent of death crept through the compound, beneath doorways and into people. You cannot evade it. You can only hope you're not next. The hunger killed a sixth of the population. People collapsed in the hallways, never to stand up again. Some went into cardiac arrest caused by the hunger, others organ failure. I could see the doctors working feverishly to keep those alive when I passed the hospital wing.

For some, it was too late. Ossier's younger brother died of starvation. He was fourteen years old. Quiet and kind, just like his older brother. I didn't know him well but it affected me seeing someone so close to a friend pass away. For Ossier and his parents and everyone else who lost a loved one or a friend, the grief was indescribable. Emptiness, an abyss. Words could not convey the pain.

Nutritionist worked out how much food each person could have. They have it all down to a science. Calories are worked out based on someone's age, height and weight. That was a key step to combating the food shortage. It's still in place today and I think it will stick.


I've been thinking a lot about what Fennel said: to be with someone I trust. The trouble is, I only see the person I trust as a friend. I don't want to be with him and then lose him again. I don't want to lose the boy I met at such a significant moment in my life. I don't want to lose Fennel.

The real question is will Edel be able to trust me?



I look up from where I'm sitting. "Edel!" He wraps his arms around me and plants a kiss on my lips. A warm sensation grows inside me and I beam at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Soldier Taliss said I should study hovercrafts and identify their faults. I think she plans on me designing one in the future."

"That woman is crazy," he mutters.

"She's ambitions," I laugh.

"So are you." He's not wrong there. "I'm surprised you're not the President yet."

"How do you become one? What are the processes?" I ask, suddenly curious.

"Well, you don't have a limit to how long you can be one for. But you want to have the best interests of the people. If you become a dictator then... it's not going to end well for you."


"If the current President decides to retire from the role, you have six months to prepare your campaign and the public will vote."

"Can everyone be President?"

He shakes his head. "You need to be a leader of some sort."

I've never thought about presidency until now. It seemed too complicated and unrealistic. I've wanted to become a military leader. They work with the President and help them make decisions.

But to be President? That's a whole new level. 


You guys are incredible!! Thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes!!

Let me know what you think and be sure to vote, I really appreciate it :)

Last of all- may the odds be ever in your favour.

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