Chapter 14

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Winter comes harshly this year, bringing bitterly cold winds and heavy snow showers. If I go outside, the frozen air nips at my body, leaving my nose red, ears sore and hands numb. I have to huddle deep into my jacket and wrap my scarf tightly around me to stop goosebumps appearing on my body.

Looking outside from the windows at the top of the compound, I can see a thick blizzard swirling around the world. I can hardly see though the snowflakes. They grey world has turned white. Snow covers the icy, hard ground like a blanket. We were exempted from training outdoors a week ago because of the cold conditions. Instead, we do strengthening exercises in a place called the Collective- a huge chamber that could easily fit the population where the President makes important announcements. Some of the pipes have frozen which means we either have to move around all the time or bundle up on warm clothes. I chose the latter. Even inside, my warm breath comes out as a white cloud. Without thinking, I lift my fingers to my nose and wipe it.

Since the bombs five months ago, repairs have taken place all over 13's compound. The levels destroyed have been rebuilt and strengthened with steel and new compartments have also been comstructed to support our thriving community.

My footsteps echo on the stone floor as I approach the cold metal stairs and decend to my compartment. I can hear laughter coming from it and a smile creeps onto my lips. I push open the door and I see Volta, Fennel, Ossier and Edel gathered around the wooden table playing cards.

"Alma! Nice of you to join us," greets Fennel.

"Where have you been?" asks Volta curiously, not suspiciouly as she would have done before. We're getting along much better now, but I still think a tiny part of her is slightly jealous.

I pull up a chair next to Edel who takes my hand with a smile. Did I image it or did a stony expression set in Fennel's face for a second?

"Oh... I was looking at the blizzard," I answer truthfully.

"We'll we've got some time before lunch. Join us for a game of cards. You can team up with Edel," Fennel says brightly.


We pass the time laughing, joking and playing a heated game of cards.


"Have you told him?" asks Fennel on our way to the Collective after lunch.

I turn around to check if the corridors are empty.

"Told who? What?"

"Edel. About well...the Hunger Games."

"I don't know how. I don't know how to tell anyone here." I'm scared to admit I've been lying to them for so long.

"I thought victors could do anything," he jokes.

"Apparently not," I laugh.

"Do you plan on telling anyone?" Fennel asks serious again.

"I don't know. Probably not."

"Are you scared of their reactions?"

"A little."

"I just... want you to be with someone you trust. Someone who knows the real you. Someone you don't have to lie to."

"Are you jealous of him?" I blurt out.

"A little. I used to like you. A lot."

"Used to?" I tease.

He laughs back. "Still do. Just not in that way."

"Soldier Ashgrove, you're wanted in the agriculture unit!" someone near the end of the corridor calls out. They know Fennel is from District 9 so he's someone to turn to regarding agriculture even though it wasn't his industry.

Fennel raises his eyebrows. I exchange a confused look with him.

"Okay." He heads off to follow the man.

"Wait, Sarrel." I whisper. "I want you to know that if there's anyone I trust here, it's you. You've always been a great friend. Never forget that." He smiles and pulls me into a quick embrace and goes.


The next time I see Sarrel/Fennel is at dinner. He looks stressed and he is visibly paler.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he sits down.

"Nothing." He brushes me off unconvincingly.

"Fennel. Tell us what's going on," demands Volta.

"I told you. It's nothing," he glares at us.

We finish our meal in silence.

"I need to take you to Command," Fennel says abruptly. I'm full of questions and fear. What can be so serious?

"Okay." I follow him and reach the room. I give him a questioning look but his face remains impassive. What is going on? I push open the door to Command.

Some people sigh frequently. Others pace the room.

"Sit down Soldier Coin, Solider Ashgrove," says the President, gesturing to the two empty seats. "I'll get straight to the point. The food growing in the farms is not enough to sustain the population of 13. There's expected to be a food shortage."

"We can get some food from the forest. There might be something we can find under all the snow," I say hopefully.

And then it hits me. That's why the Capitol bombed the forest. To cut off our food supply if we were I trouble.

So clever. So calculating. So... Snow.

They don't plan for a quick death by dropping a bomb directly on our heads. No. They plan to make it as long and as drawn out as possible. Make us suffer. Starve slowly to death with mothing to help us. No one to turn to.

In Panem, the only place that escapes hunger is the Capitol.

Food is rationed. All forms of physical training is stopped so we don't loose whatever energy we have. But the district is slowly left to starve. Soon, all that's left will be a pile of ashes.

Some people are beginning to have the hollow look in their faces that I was so familiar with back in 12.

There's a crackdown on hoarders- some people are charging extreme prices for sustenance to sell to the most desperate.

We do what we can. Pull together what we have left.  Learn to work together again.

But that doesn't stop the death of a five year old boy.

And his death marks the start of many more.

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