Sope : Cheater

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"You think what know?!" Jimin shouted. "Shhh, don't be too loud, I said I think Yoongi might be cheating on me." I looked down, picking with my nails.

"Yoongi is cheati-" I immediately bent over the cafe table to cover Jimin's mouth. "You might as well go tell the whole world." I said rolling my eyes. "Sorry, babe." He giggled.

"This is serious. What if he is actually cheating on me? He's been distant lately, coming home at 11 instead of 8, he doesn't even give me a greeting kiss anymore." My anxiety increased as the minutes passed.

"Hey, you don't know if he's cheating, so don't overthink it. Also, I think it's best if you just talk to him." Jimin replied. "Maybe you're right..."

"I'll head home first." I gathered my thing after paying for my lemon cake.

"I can take you home if you want?"

"No, I'm good. Have a good day, Minnie."

I left the cafe and began my walk home. I turned the corner and saw Yoongi at the local bar with a random guy.

What the hell? I thought. Yoongi is just sitting there laughing with the guy. Anger began to rise in me and I stormed home.

"Do you really think I should do that?" I questioned.

"Yes, dude! It will be the best anniversary gift ever." Eunwoo Replied.

"Thanks a lot! I'll be heading home now."

"No problem!"

I gathered my possessions and left the bar. I made it to the house, unlocked the door and sat my things down. I ran upstairs to the shared bedroom and heard sniffling. I opened the door to find Hoseok crying on our bed.

"Oh my god, baby are you ok?" I asked concerned. He looked up and started crying even harder. "Please tell me what's going on, I hate seeing you cry." I walked over to him and pet his fluffy hair. He shook me off then turned towards me.

"Don't act like you don't know what you did!", I was startled because Hoseok never yelled at me before.

"Hey, what did I do?" I put both of my hands up.

"You cheated on me!"

Wait a minute... cheated?? I was so confused. Why would he think I cheated- oh shit.

I started laughing and Hoseok looked at me like I was crazy. "Why the fuck are you laughing? I'm being serious." He bawled up his fist.

"Baby, chill. I didn't cheat on you, you have it all wrong."

"How come? I saw you with that guy at the bar. Sure did look like you had a good time." He rolled his eyes.

"Eunwoo? Baby, he is my best friend. I was coming to him for advice on what gift I should get you." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Wait... you were getting a gift for our anniversary? Oh my god, I'm so stupid." He started face palming himself multiple times.

"Stop before you give yourself a headache." I grabbed his hands from his face.

"I feel so bad, I yelled at you for no reason." He pouted.

"Aww, my baby is so cute. I forgive you. Don't worry!" I beamed.

I pecked his lips and all around his face. He giggled and pleaded me to stop.

"Please, It tickles." I stop tickling him and we cuddled together.

"Next time don't assume things and just come talk to me about it."

"I will Yoongs." He kissed me on the lips.

I pulled back to breathe. "I love you."

"Love you too."

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