I then head to the barn expecting to see Ben preparing the feed for the livestock but he is nowhere to be found. I curse at him and grab the damn bucket. I shove it the barrel and fill it.

I walk. No, more like stomp my way to the pen. It's almost completely pitch black. I throw the food in the air and I hear it hit the animals but I don't care. I normally do not have to do my brothers duties. I rush back to the barn and I fling the bucket without caring if it breaks or not.

I storm towards the house and I trip over something, I fall onto my knees. A string of curses fly out my mouth as I get up and dust myself off. If I thought I was angry a few minutes ago. Now I'm furious.

I get to the backdoor and see the lights are on. 'Well so much for a fucking peaceful dinner huh!' I think to myself as I bust through the door.

"For fucks sake! First you-" I stop myself as I survey what lies before me. Mother and Annie are in the kitchen with their heads bowed down. Father and Ben are standing by the dining table. I walk over to them. "What the hell is-" I freeze when I see what they are looking at.

A few broken plates are on the ground. The realization hits me like a brick wall. Molly was cleaning up when I left for the fields. "No! Where! What!-" my mind races as things fall into place. Dirty dishes and a few broken ones. He walks towards her and corners her. "Where the fuck has he taken her?!" I shout and let my fury flow out of me.

Father has a concerned look on his face and Ben... has disgust written over his face. "I'm going to kill this motherfucker!" I storm through the house I run up the stairs and kick his door open. I look around but he isn't there I look under his bed in the hopes of finding her. But nothing.

I storm back downstairs and into the basement. I switch the light on but... nothing. I run back up the stairs to see they are all in the same places since I left them. "Why is nobody giving a flying fuck?!" I scream and nobody answers me. That's it.

I go to the cupboard and grab the shotgun. "I'll fucking find her myself then!" I hiss at them as I grab a flashlight and go outside the back door. I try to think. Of places that he can take her.

The shed!

I run towards our shed. The light is on. I raise the gun and kick the door in. But nothing. Just the plowing tools and hunting supplies. "Fuck!"

I turn around and think. 'The shed is a no. Basement is also a no... where would he take her to do who knows what to her?' My heart breaks at the thought of what he is doing to her... I try to think of other isolated places and only one more place pops into my mind... but I'm not sure it's still standing.

I stand and get my bearings right. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them I have a clear picture of where it is. I run off towards the right side of the house. I shine my flashlight forward and as I round the corner, I slow down to draw on my memories as to where it is from here.

I shine the torch across the grass and the I see something. I walk towards the well and shine the light on the bricks. Blood.

A shiver runs through me and I then turn the light to see the ground, there's scuff marks and the sand is disturbed. "This is where he got her..." I mutter to myself.

I follow the marks with my eyes and then I see drag marks. My heart breaks a bit more but I begin to follow the trail. Sure enough they are going in the direction of where I suspected he would take her. I walk slowly and make sure to not lose the trial.

Taken By Force and Kept For Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now