"The woman loves me," He said as he tucked his hands inside his leather jacket's pocket.

"Erica Hahn?"

"I'm telling you. We went out last night, had a couple of drinks,"

"You and Erica?" Derek asked suspiciously.

"Just me and Hahn.....And Callie. All right, so it wasn't a date...You're gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Why does it always have to be about the destination? Why can't it be about the journey?" Derek said as they continued walking.

"'Cause I'm wearing $300 shoes,"

"Meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people,"

"She found out about you and Rose?"

"No. There's nothing to find out. It was just a kiss."

"Yeah, but you're not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooms. Not that there's anything wrong with that," Mark said as they come out into the clearing with a breathtaking view of Seattle but Mark being Mark didn't notice it.

"What do you think?"

"It was more than just a kiss,"

"The view,"

"Well, what am I looking at?"

"The view from my new house."

Bailey's son, William George Bailey Jones, was brought into the ER after a bookshelf fell on him, the poor baby suffered multiple injuries and he needed surgery, Derek and Renee were standing by the nurse's station filling their charts. There was a possibility that little Tuck has suffered from neurological damage but they couldn't tell anything unless and until Derek sees the studies, everybody was a little shaken up after seeing Miranda's condition and how broken she looked. Renee and Derek were standing silently, Derek was exceptionally quiet that day and everybody knows not to probe Derek when he was in a bad mood, Renee was about to say something when Rose came;

"I heard about Dr Bailey's son. How bad is it?"

"We're still waiting on his studies," Derek said without looking up.

"Derek? Remember before when I was unbelievably cool and let you off the hook for making out with me? Well, now I'm angry." Rose said as Renee looked away trying not to get involved, she saw George ducking and walking out of sight after hearing that.


"Because you're not making eye contact with me. We are standing here talking about Bailey's baby, and you won't...Look at me,"


"Better. Now it was one kiss, okay? It was a good kiss, maybe even a great one but are we gonna let one maybe-great kiss get in the way of what, up until now, has been a great professional relationship even though you didn't know my name until recently?"

"No, we are not."

"So ... Friends?" Rose offered.



"Friends?" Renee raised an eyebrow as she mocked Rose.

"Shut up, I don't need you mocking,"

"Friends, really? That's the most pathetic thing I have ever heard,"

Renee was in the Cafeteria waiting for Callie to finish surgery when she notices Reyansh walking past her, they hadn't talked in a long time, she isn't sure if they were still together or not, sighing she called after him but he didn't hear her as he continued walking. They turned around the corner and Reyansh walked into one of the on-calls room, Renee was about to enter the room when another surgeon walked after him and the door was locked. Renee looked around to see if anybody saw what she saw but everybody was busy with their duties, taking a deep breath she knocked on the door. She could hear rustling inside and she was shocked to see the other surgeon standing with just some pants on.

"Yes?" the surgeon asked.

"I am looking for Dr Deo,"

"He isn't in here," The surgeon said but Renee had had enough, she pushed through the door to see Reyansh lying on the bed, the sheet covering him but he scrambled up after seeing her, the look on her face was truly horrifying.

"You're gay,"

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Now fully dressed, Reyansh and his boyfriend, were sitting on the bed while Renee was sitting across them, none of them had spoken for a while, none of them knew what to say as everything happened all of a sudden.

"I was going to tell you," Reyansh said.

"But you didn't, you didn't!" Renee said angrily, Reyansh's boyfriend, Raymond, looked very uncomfortable with the whole situation. Frankly so was she.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

"I didn't know how you'd react, no one knows, my parents-"

"My parents are very conservative if they ever found out that their only son is homosexual, they'll.." he sighed as he put his head into his hand.

"I have a cousin who's gay, I saw the way he was barred by my entire family and it frightens me, homosexuality isn't excepted from where I come,"

"I just wish you'd have told me sooner. I would have been fine if you'd have told me but you cheated on me just like-," Renee trailed off.

"Just like?"

"Nothing, why didn't you tell me?"

"Told you what? That I am gay and was with you just to tell so that I could be sure that I am gay,"

"So you weren't into it? You're telling me that-oh my god, you made me a toy, you used me,"

"Reyansh didn't mean to say that-" Raymond interrupted hoping that they would stay silent.

"I never told you because you wouldn't except me,"

"Don't make me the villain, do not make me the villain,"

Mark was sitting outside PEDs ICU where Tuck was currently kept under supervision, everybody including the residents, Derek, Lexie, Richard everybody was waiting outside to get some news or update on the baby. Everybody was silent when Renee entered, Ilaria on her hip sleeping. He could see from Renee's face something was wrong, her eyes were rimmed with redness and they looked swollen. He wasn't the only one who noticed it as George seemed to question it but she simply brushed it off and came to sit beside Derek who was looking over at Meredith, he couldn't bring himself to look the other way. Mark walked towards them and stood beside Renee but she hadn't noticed him but her baby did as Ilaria put her hands towards him, he offered her his finger which she grabbed and shake around.

"I broke up with Reyansh," Renee whispered to him.


"He's gay but you knew that, didn't you?"

"I tried telling you-"

"Yeah, I am sorry. Guess, I am just unlucky when it comes to relationship," Renee laughed humourlessly.

"Don't say that,"

"It's true. First you, then Issac and now this,"


"I'll be fine. Anyways Bailey needs us right now, it's not the time to drown in self-pity and sorrow,"

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