Kinkade's Reaction

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Keith POV

James drove us to his house, and I sleepily walked through the door. "James! Keith! There you guys are! How was the game?" Kinkade asked. He was sitting on the couch, watching TV. "Boring. But we got drinks after so it was worth it." I said, as Kinkade examined the two of us, his eyes resting on James's neck and collarbone, where some hickeys were. I wasn't much better, but I at least had the decency to cover mine up with my jacket. Well, Shiro's jacket, that he "let" me borrow. "Uh huh. Just drinks?" He asked, smirking. "Shut up." James muttered, his face turning pink. He headed towards his room. "I gotta take a shower. I have work." And left. 

"So, what happened?" Kinkade asked, leaning forward on his knees. I sat next to him and smiled. "We went out for drinks after Shiro and Adam won their game. Some new bar, uh, the Lion. Some really cheery girl was there. Allura, I think? Anyway, we got drinks, and they started rehashing some old drunk James stories." "Really? James has gotten drunk? Are you sure we're talking about the same James?" Kinkade asked, raising an eyebrow, and I laughed. "Yeah, but when he does, Shiro and Adam take care of him, apparently. Anyway, James can sing. Like, really fucking good. And once, when he was drunk, he did karaoke at the bar. They said he kept talking about this "pretty boy" and someone cheating and fucking you." Kinkade gasped. "He was talking about you! And Lance!" I nodded. "Yeah. Anyway, apparently he got so wasted that night he sang, and was pretty good. We managed to convince him to sing again, and he did "Perfect", and I almost fucking died. Did you know he can sing? Like, really fucking good? His voice is like a fucking angel's." I said, falling back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. "And he looked so fucking ht. He came back to the table, and I swear, I was willing to let him have me right there in the middle of the bar." "Eww, TMI." Kinkade said, swatting my arm. "I'm just telling it how it was. Then we ended up kissing, and somehow made it back to Shiro and Adam's place, and when I woke up in the morning, he was there. And before you ask, no, we didn't fuck." I said, picking my head up, seeing Kinkade smiling. "Not yet anyway. But seriously, how good can he sing? Or are you just biased?" "Well, first off, I'm gay, so no, not bi-ased. And yes. Like an angel."

"Who's an angel?" James asked, walking over towel-drying his hair, shirtless, of course. "Keith says you sing like one." James shrugged. "Matter of opinion. Keith is biased." "I'm not bi-ased, I'm gay." I stated, and James smiled. "And I'm very happy about that." Kinkade groaned. "Can you guys not? Its kinda gross. You're acting all coupley." I raised an eyebrow, and looked at James, who was in the kitchen now. "Coupley? James, are we a couple?" He shrugged and pulled out a soda. "If you want to be." "But are we?" "Keith, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Fuck yes." I replied, feeling my own face heat up as well. "Great. Now you're a couple. I suspect I'll be seeing more of you." Kinkade said with a smile. "What about you? You're in an unusually happy mood, especially given the events of last  night." Kinkade shrugged. "I don't know. I had this headache that came and went, and its been gone for a while. I think it might be over."

At that moment, the door opened, and Lance walked in, a smile on his face. "Good morning! Miss me?" And Kinkade groaned, starting to massage his temple. "There it goes again." I stifled a laugh, and Lance looked at me oddly. "Why are you here? And why's your hair wet?" He asked, pointing at James, who rolled his eyes. "I took a shower. Duh." Lance scanned James's body, and his eyes widened, landing on the marks from last night. "Wait a minute.... did you guys fuck or something?" He exclaimed, looking back and forth between me and James. "They got drunk Lance. But they had adult-ish supervision, so they didn't do much." Kinkade explained. "But-but Keith- and, and JAMES? Keith and James? KEITH AND JAMES?" Lance screeched. "Calm down Lance. And yes." I said, rolling my eyes. "WHA- how? WHY?" "Because. Now stop being a drama queen." James said, leaving the kitchen. Lance looked at me. "Him? You chose HIM over ME?" "Yes. He didn't cheat on me. He's also hot as fuck and really sweet." I stated. "He also sang for me and didn't take advantage of me when I was drunk. And he was nice enough to make sure I get home okay, even if it means he might be late for his work. Speaking of which, do you have a job yet?" Lance shook his head. "Rude. And no, not yet. But Pidge just got a management job somewhere, so maybe she'll put in a good word for me." I chuckled. "Good luck with that." "Hey, she's calmed down about our whole thing. So has Hunk, Ronny and Romelle. Axca still looks like she wants to kill me, and she keeps making a point of mentioning her friends." 

Axca and her friends Ezor, Zethrid, Natari and Lotor's parents had been gang members back in their golden years. They made sure that their kids got protected, and raised them to fend for themselves and take over the gang when they got older. But when Natari got killed, they all wanted out. About a year back, the leader, Zarkon, got killed in a car wreck, and the gang was gone. They still talked to some of the other members, but as friends, not gangbangers. But me and Shiro thought of her as a sister, since we grew up alongside her.

Kinkade laughed. "Her? The one with the blue hair? That's Axca right?" I nodded "Yeah, why?" "You know her and Veronica are dating, right?" My jaw dropped and Lance's eye's got huge. "Wha- Really?!" He asked, and Kinkade nodded. "Yeah. Have been for a few months now." "Huh, I knew Axca liked her. Didn't know the feeling was mutual." I said, pushing my bangs back. "Ronny she likes girls?!?!??" Lance squeaked. "Uh, yeah. How come you don't know? Even James knows." Kinkade said. "James knows what?" He asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. He had on his blue Best Buy polo, along with some nice tan khakis. "That Veronica is gay." I replied. "Oh yeah. Her and Axca have been a thing for what, 4, 5 months?" Lance gaped at us. "How- how come you guys know? She didn't tell me!" I felt James shrug behind me. "Maybe she did and you just didn't listen. You know she didn't mention you for a few months before the whole thing. I think you made her mad, so she didn't tell you." Lance sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like Ronny." "Might want to apologize to her. Axca could kill you if she wanted, and make it look like an accident." I said with a smile, and Lance's eye's widened. "Shit." He muttered. "Okay. But first I have to figure out what I did. It could've been any number of things." And he ran down the hall. 

"Oh no, he's gonna take one of his baths again!" James whined. "Huh?" I honestly had no idea what they were talking about, and I had known Lance longer than either of them. "He's gotten into the habit of taking these hours long baths, while having the water running so its "always warm". It kills the water bill." Kinkade explained. "And the bitch doesn't even pay rent, so it comes out of our pockets." James grumbled. "Which is why you work on the weekends. Shouldn't you get going?" Kinkade asked. James groaned. "Uggh, you're right. Come on Keith, I'll drop you off on my way." He said, taking his arms from my waist. I shook my head. "Nah, I think I'll just hang out here with Kinkade, if that's good with you?" He nodded, and Kinkade smiled. "Sure, why not?"  "Alright then. I'll see you guys later." James said, heading for the door. "Wait!" I said, going up to him. I pulled him down into a kiss with the collar of his Best Buy shirt, earning a noise of surprise and a smile from James when we pulled back. "Now you can go." I said, cheeks warm. He nodded, cheeks flushed, and walked out of the door.

"His boss and coworkers are gonna give him so much shit for those hickeys. Anyone can see them." Kinkade said, and I smiled evily. "And anyone can see that he's taken too."

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