New Roomate

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Kinkade POV

It took us the better portion of two hours to get all of Lances stuff in the trash bags and into the car. It had been decided, much to James's dismay, that Lance would be staying with us until he figured out a more permanent housing situation. When we finally put the last bag in the car, we all got in. Lance made a move to sit shotgun, but James stopped him. "Nope. You can ride in your car. Gotta take it back sometime." Lance sighed, but went to his car. I got in.

 "Something tells me that wasn't about the car." James shook his head. "Nope. I don't like him." "Why?" I asked and we started pulling out. "Because of what he did. Who does that? Especially to someone like Keith." I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, someone like Keith? Is it cause you think he's hot?"  "That's besides the point. Like I said, my friend Adam is dating his brother. He thinks really highly of Keith, and cares about him a lot. I've heard many good things. He has friends who'd kill anyone who hurt him" I nodded. "Yeah. Hunk and Pidge are gonna give him an earful. They all go back to high school. Apparently Keith and Lance pined over each other for years before finally asking each other out." James laughed. "Really?" I nodded. "Oh yeah. Pidge and Veronica kept trying to set them up, but they were too oblivious to notice. Then Lance finally asked him out, and the rest is history." "Wait wait wait, Lance asked him out, but Keith was going to propose? That makes no sense." James said, shaking his head. "Well, in light of recent events, it does." James nodded. "True. Anyway, how long is Lance gonna be staying with us? Keith mentioned something about hour long showers, and I don't want to see that kind of water bill." I laughed. "Oh yeah. Can you imagine? But I don't think he'll be staying with us long. I'm sure he'll find somewhere else to stay."

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