Tonight's the Night

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Hold on by Chord Overstreet

Keith POV

I sighed, and walked into the apartment. My arms were filled with groceries, which I quickly deposited on the counter. Today was me and Lance's anniversary. We'd been dating for three years. And tonight, I was going to propose. It was kinda weird timing though. We hadn't been able to hang out as much since we got our jobs. We'd be graduating college next year, and we needed money for our student loans. I had to take the late shifts at Starbucks for the past few months, and Lance had the early ones at the grocery store. But it didn't matter. We were still in love. According to our friends, Pidge and Hunk, we'd had crushes on each other since high school. We finally dating in college, and he moved in with me not too long after. But back to tonight.

I'd be making Lance's favorite dinner and dessert, then I'd propose after. It took a while, but by around 9, I had it all ready. All that was left was for Lance to come home.

I heard keys jangling, and nearly jumped for joy. Lance was here! But then I heard laughter. Oh no. Did he have one of his friends with him? That would make this weird. But no matter. I'm sure he could get them to leave. I hid behind the counter, getting ready to yell surprise. But something stopped me. I recognized that voice. But who was it? "Oh my god Lance, you're an ididot." "But you love me for it. And besides, how as I supposed to know that it was a man? His hair was super long!" "Haha! Yeah, it was." I heard bags drop. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?" The voice asked. I could practically hear Lance smirking "You." "Hmm, getting right to it. Alright. Come here." 

Wait, WHAT? Lance was cheating on me? LANCE WAS CHEATING ON ME! I sprang up from my hiding spot and yelled "WHAT THE HELL LANCE?"  He jumped up in surprise. "Keith! Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me!" "Keith?" I turned towards the mystery person. My heart dropped "Kinkade?" He was one of my friends. I'd know him for years. I turned towards Lance, anger boiling in my blood. " YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH KINKADE? WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS? WHAT THE HELL?" Lance put his hands up "Wait, Keith, I can explain." "EXPLAIN WHAT? THAT YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME? WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS? WHY LANCE? WHY?" My voice started breaking. "I LOVE YOU! WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS! I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TONIGHT!" I screamed. Lance looked terrified, and Kinkade looked mad. "Wait, you two are dating? Lance, why didn't you tell me? I'm so sorry Keith, I never would've done anything if I knew he was dating." So Kinkade didn't know. Did anyone? Did everyone think we had broken up? "Keith, let me explain. Please." I glared at Lance, but I stopped yelling. "You're never around anymore, and I needed someone. I have needs to you know. Not everything is about you." Oh no he didn't. "What? Not everything's about me? I fucking know that Lance.  Everything, EVERYTHING I've done in the past three years, has been for you. I got this job so I can pay for our apartment, cause you can't make rent. I go to school so I can get a good job and support US. Us Lance. I've sacrificed so much for you! When I got the scholarship for the other school, I didn't go. You know why? CAUSE YOU ASKED ME TOO. YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME." My voice was wavering, and I fell to my knees, feeling like I was about to cry. "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME. Then you go and cheat on me with one of my friends? WHY?" I was full on crying now. Big, fat, ugly crying. "Why Lance? WHY?" He looked so pained now. "Keith, I-" "No, you can't fix this. Get out." His face fell "Baby please, I-" "Get out. GET OUT!" I screamed through my tears. "But I-" Kinkade stopped him. "No Lance. You need to go. And we need to talk." Lance nodded and left wordlessly. He kneeled down next to me "Keith, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I nodded, still crying. He pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. "Why would he do this?" Kinkade sighed "I don't know. But you're an amazing person Keith. you didn't deserve this. I'll talk to him, okay?" I nodded into his chest, and he let go. As he walked out, he gave me a sympathetic smile, and closed the door. I sighed, and wiped away my tears. I needed a drink.

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