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James POV

I sighed and got in my car. It had been a long day. I had three classes that day, and then had to work an extra shift at Best Buy. But at least now I got to go home. Where Kinkade was. He was my best friend, he had been for years, and we were roomates. But lately, he's been going out a lot, and almost always comes back with messed up hair and clothes. I started down the road. Maybe my boy was getting some action? It was about time. Not that I got much, but he'd never brought a guy or girl home. If he went on dates, he didn't tell me about them. Luck for me, there wasn't much traffic that late at night, and I got home fast. I got out of the car and got my keys to the house. Yeah thats right. Me and Kinkade, the college students, had a house. It used to be my uncles, but he moved and sold it to me cheap. In order to pay for it, me and Kinkade rented it out on breaks and holidays. 

 I opened the door and stepped in to the sound of sil-wait, was that arguing? "Kinkade? You good bro?" I called out, and the arguing stopped. I walked into the living room, and saw Kinkade with some guy. Brown hair, tan skin, blue eyes. Hmm, not bad. Not my type, but not bad. "So, uh, who's this?" I said, nodding toward the boy. "This is Lance. We're just having a little talk." I raised an eyebrow "Really? Cause I can almost hear you outside." Kinkade sighed "Lance and I have been dating. but apparently, he has a boyfriend. Who he'd been dating for three years, and was gonna propose to him." My eyes widened. "Holy shit. What the fuck man? You don't do that." Lance rolled his eyes "Oh what do you know? I bet you're not even dating someone right now. Besides, you don't even know Keith." Wait, Keith? This guy looked familiar. I gasped. I knew him. Well, I recognized him. One of the kids in my math class had him as their lock screen "Keith? Keith Kogane?" Lance looked confused for a minute, then nodded. "I know him. He's in one of my classes. Shiro's brother, right?" And they nodded. "You cheated on him? Oh boy, when Shiro finds out he's gonna kill you." Lance's eyes widened "Wait, what? And how do you know Shiro?" I shrugged, grabbing a soda and sitting at the dining room table. "The gym. And my friend Adam." Lance groaned "Is there anyone who won't kill me for this?" Kinkade nodded "Yeah. Pidge. She'll just make your life miserable." "Who's Pidge?" I asked  "Is she the cook or the hacker?" "Hacker." Kinkade said, and I nodded, sipping my drink. Kinkade was much more social than me. We had pretty much the same group of friends, but with my schedule, I saw less of them than I liked. "Oh, Veronica's gonna kill you." I said with a smile. I may not have know Lance, but I knew his sister, Veronica. And her and Keith were pretty good friends. "What do you care? And who are you anyway?" I smiled "I'm James. I care because it involves Kinkade, and you're Veronica's brother, which mean that I'll be hearing about this one way or another." 

At that exact moment, Lance's phone buzzed. He pulled it out an groaned "Fuck. Looks like she already knows. Well, that's it. My life is over." He said, flopping on the couch next to Kinkade, who immediatley stood up. "Nope. You're gonna apoligize." Lance groaned "So I have to?" "Yes." Kinkade and I said at once. "Dude, you seriously messed up. I've never even met Keith, but I know he must be a pretty good person because Shiro talks very fondly of him." Lance held up a hand "Hold up. You've never met him?" I shook my head. "Nope. Just heard about him." "But you said he's in your class." I nodded "Yeah, he is. But I just see the back of his head. And I've never talked to him. You know how busy my schedule is. Once class is over, I'm outta there." Lance sighed, got up and turned on his phone, revealing his lock screen. "This is Keith." My eyes widened and I chocked on my soda. I took the phone from his and stared at the screen. "This is the guy you cheated on? No offense Kinkade, but you choose Kinkade over HIM? Why? I mean, look at him."

He was beautiful. He had raven black hair, a sharp jaw, light skin, and the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. They were violet, but with the way he smiled, they looked like galaxies. "Holy shit. He's hot." I whispered. Kinkade smiled. "Looks like someone else likes Keith." "How could you not? Have you seen him? And those eyes! Lance, why would you cheat on him?" I asked, and Lance threw his hands in the air in exasperation. "Because he's never around! Always working or in a class! Never able to do anything fun. I swear, all he does is eat, sleep, work repeat. Nothing else. Before I started going out with Kinkade, I hadn't gotten laid in months." I raised an eyebrow and looked at Kinkade "Really?" He started blushing and glared at me "Shut up. But still, what you did was wrong." He said, turning towards Lance. "I know." "Then why don't you apologize?" I asked, and Lance sighed. "It's not as easy as that. You should've seen him. He was PISSED. I honesty thought he was gonna kill me." "With what? The ring?" I snickered. "Lance looked at me with wide eyes "No, he has a knife. It's got some weird purple gem on the handle, and is a family heirloom or something. And he knows how to use it. Pidge says he used to cut in middle and high school, but stopped when Shiro and Adam made him get help." I stood up. "Hold up. So you left a pissed off and heartbroken guy who used to cut, alone, with a knife? What the hell?" I asked, and Lance and Kinkade's eyes went wide. "SHIT shit shit shit." Lance ran out the door, grabbing a pair of keys. I sighed. "We should follow him, shouldn't we?" and Kinkade nodded. "Fine. Let me change first, then we'll take my car."

After i changed out of my hideous Best buy uniform and into something more comofrtable (jeans and a muscle tee) we headed to Keith and Lance's apartment. "So.." I said, breaking the silence. "Don't you know Keith?" Kinkade nodded "Yeah, we're friends. But I honestly had no idea him and Lance were dating, otherwise I never would've done anything. Oh god, I'm such a bad friend, he probably hates me now." He rambled. I laughed "No he doesn't. And you're not a bad friend. You just got caught in a bad situation." By then we had pulled into the apartment parking lot. "And now," I said, cutting the engine. "We're going to get you out of it." We headed up the stairs, towards the apartment with the open door and crashing sounds.

Inside, Lance was standing just outside the doorway, talking to who I assumed was Keith. And I gotta say, he looked even better in person.

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