Slam dunks and drinks

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Long chapter ahead, 2k words+

No one POV
The two boys left the house and arrived at the game, minutes before it started. They managed to get seats close to the court, where the players were warming up. The brown haired one caught the eye of one other players, who was wearing glasses, and waved. The boy with glasses smiled and waved back, then tapped another player next to him, motioning to the two boys. He smiled, and waved to the smaller of the two, with the black hair and red shirt.

"Shiro, I didn't know you brother was coming to the game." He said, talking to the black haired player. "Well Adam, to be fair, I didn't either. What's he doing with James though? I thought they didn't know each other." Adam shrugged. "Beats me. He probably dragged Keith here." Shiro smiled. "Well he picked a goods day. Cause we're gonna kick their asses babe." "Of course we will. We're the best." Adam said, smiling.

Soon the ref blew the whistle, and the boys stopped talking. The game began, and they became laser focused. Adam, Shiro and their teammates passed the ball around, shooting hoops and blocking baskets. Meanwhile, in the stands, James and Keith watched, snacking on some candy they had gotten. "Yeah Shiro!" Keith yelled with the other cheering fans when his brother made a basket. Shiro smiled and waved, apparently happy to see his brother.

Wow, two siblings happy to see each other in public. What a concept.

James smiled. "Aren't you happy I made you come to the game with me?" Keith pushed his shoulder. "Shut up." They did this throughout the game, cheering, teasing, and stealing each other's candy. When the game ended, the score was 110 to 99, in their favor. A cheer went up from the fans as the game ended, and they soon started leaving. Keith and James went outside, to the side of the building, to wait for Shiro and Adam. Said boys soon walked out hand in hand, out of their sweaty uniforms and into clean clothes.

"Adam! Shiro!" James said with a smile. him and Adam embraced, and he high fived Shiro while Keith stood off to the side. "Aww come on Keith. Don't I get a hug?" Shiro asked, grabbing his brother, who groaned "No, you're all sweaty!" "No I'm not! I showered and everything!" Keith shoved his arms off of him smiling. "Mhmm, sure you did." "Hey Keith." Adam said, stepping forward to hug him, which he gladly took as Shiro glared at him. "What? I know that he always showers." The two brothers glared at each other for a minute before James broke the silence. "So... what do you guys wanna do?" He asked. "We could go get some victory drinks." Adam suggested. "Yeah! Matt told me about this new bar in town. He says it has some of the best drinks he's ever had." Shiro said, breaking his intense eye contact with his brother, who shrugged, "Sure why not? I could go for a drink."

The group headed to a local bar, the Lion. When they got inside, they were greeted by a bright girl. "Hi! Welcome to the Lion! I'm Allura, my uncle owns the place." She said. Now, if any of the boys had been straight, they probably would've had nosebleeds. Allura was beautiful. Caramel colored skin, long, flowing white hair, a lean figure. "Hi! I'm Adam, and this is Shiro, James and Keith." Adam said, pointing to each boy respectivley. "It's nice to meet you all! Here, let me show you to a table. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Oh, and you're just in luck. Tonight's karaoke night. You seem like the musical type." She said, geustering to James. "And we have a large selection of drinks. But unless you have a high tolerance, I wouldn't recommend Nunvil." She said, stopping at a table and giving them menus. "Why not? Makes you tipsy?" Shiro asked jokingly. "Kind of. Last time my uncle had some, well, lets just say he's not supposed to touch the stuff." Allura said with a smile. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time here! And feel free to tell your friends, we'd love to have more people here!" Allura said, stepping away.

"Wow. This place is nice." Keith said, looking around. The bar had neat, relatively clean tables and floors, and a mini stage in the back, complete with some lights and speakers. The tables were high, with barstool-like chairs. If you stood, like the boys did, it'd be at an average person's chest level. There was a good amount of people there, but there would be many more in the next few hours. "Yeah, you should see some of the other places we've been. This is a paradise compared to them." James said, looking at the menu. "Oh yeah. Remember that time someone thought you worked there? It was hilarious." Adam said. "Haha! Yeah, they kept screaming at me to get them a beer. Finally someone who actually worked there came over, and they shut up." James said with a smile. "Wait, you guys have done this before?" Keith asked. The others nodded. "Lots of times. Normally Kinkade or one of the others is with us too, but its always at least us three." Shiro said. "Was I not invited?" Keith asked, looking offended. Shiro rolled his eyes. "Well, we always come after games, whether its to celebrate or drown our sorrows. And you never seemed interested in basketball until recently, so we didn't see any point in inviting you." He said, and Keith nodded. "Okay, fair point." "Alright, I'm gonna go get a beer. You guys want anything?" Adam said, standing. "Beer." The three chorused, and Adam nodded. "Beers it is." And walked off.

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