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James POV

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen, a smile on my face. When Kinkade saw me, he smiled. But Lance just glared at me. "So you can fuck here but we can't?" I shrugged, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. "Yeah, pretty much. It's my house." "Mhmm. Speaking of which, you may want to sound-proof the walls." Kinkade said with a smirk. At that moment, Keith walked in, with no pants, WEARING MY SHIRT. I nearly choked on my water, and felt my face heat up. That was NOT part of the plan.

"So Keith, how was studying?" Kinkade asked. Keith took the cup from me and took a swing. "It was great." "Really? Then how come there are no marks? And you're still able to walk?" Lance asked, a sour look on his face. I smiled. "I have self control. Besides, what would people think if we showed up with marks? First you're supposed to go on a date, then you hook up." Keith nodded. "Yeah. And unlike you, he left me still able to walk. I like being able to use my legs." "Where you guys going?" Kinkade asked while Keith and Lance death stared each other. "The game. Then maybe dinner." I answered. "Wow. So an actual date?" I nodded. "Yeah. I'm a gentleman." "Speaking of which, when's the last time you went on a date Kinkade?" Keith asked, having finally stopped trying to kill Lance with his eyes. "Um, I don't know. It's been a while. I honestly can't remember." Kinkade answered, looking a bit sad. 

"What? I took you on one a few months ago!" Lance protested. "I don't think texting someone "hey, McDonalds then fuck?" is a date." Kinkade said, looking at the counter. "Was that when you guys came to my place?" Keith asked. Kinkade's face went pink and he nodded. "Yeah." "Aw come on, it counted as a date!" Lance whined, standing. "No it didn't." Kinkade snapped, looking up. "Going to your place then finding out you're cheating on someone isn't a date. Especially when that someone is my friend. Come to think of it, you never actually took me on a date, you just wanted to hook up. So basically, you just treated me like a prostitute!  A fucking side piece! Not someone you wanted an actual relationship with! And even after that, you keep coming into my room and try to get laid. I've told you no I don't know how many times, but you still keep coming! Then you all but force yourself on me and mess with me just for your own purposes! I'M NOT SOME BANG PIECE LANCE! I'M A PERON WITH FEELINGS!" Kinkade yelled. Then he stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him.

I glared at Lance. "Is that true?" He rolled his eyes. "What do you care?" "Is. It. True." I growled, stepping towards him. "Yeah, I guess." Every muscle in my body tensed. "GET. OUT." I growled. "NOW." Lance just stared at me, with an I-don't-give-a-fuck look on his face. "I'd do it Lance. He could fuck you up if he wanted too." Keith said. "Yeah, you would know." "We didn't even actually fuck, we were just messing with you guys. But we're focusing on you right now." "What did you do to Kinkade?" I growled, gabbing Lance's shirt collar. "Just screwed around, that's all. Nothing bad." I let go of his shirt and pushed him back. "Get out of my house." Lance sighed, but took his jacket and left. 

I ran my hands through my hair. "I can't believe him. Cheating on the hot boy then fucking with my friend. Forcing himself on him? Why the hell? I'm going to fucking kill him." I muttered. "Hey." Keith said, putting his hand on my bicep. "He's gone now. And Kinkade seems to be fine. I'll check on him, okay? You, uh, take your shirt and we'll go to the game." He said, pulling my shirt off and giving it to me. "But Kinkade.." I started saying, but he put a finger on my lips. "I will check on him. I'm sure he'll be fine, he just needs some time. Now," he sighed "Put your shirt on so we can go." Then he walked away, and I stared at him. He was all but naked, with only his underwear on. HE had a nice ass, and a feminine body. Hips and obvious curves, along with some muscle. 

I expected his to go to my room and put some clothes on, but instead he stopped and knocked on Kinkade's door. They exchanged a few words, and Keith stepped away. "Is he okay?" I asked, pulling  my shirt over my head. Keith nodded. "I don't know. He needs time. But he was happy to hear that Lance isn't here. Now, I'm gonna get dressed and we can go." He went into my room, then came back fully clothed.

My jaw almost dropped. Now he had on super tight black leggings and a short red, almost a crop top shirt. They shouldn't have looked so good with a rundown pair of red Converse, but on him it worked. He smiled at my expression, face light pink. "What's wrong James? Cat got your tounge?" I shut my mouth quickly, feeling my face heat up. "No-I just, uh, fuck, you're beautiful." I managed to stutter out. Keith's face went pink, but he smiled. "Thanks. Now, uh, are we gonna go, or are you gonna keep staring at me?" I smirked "Yes."

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