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Kinkade POV

"Oh no he's gonna pass out." I said as Keith pitched forward. Thanks to James's reflexes, he caught him before his head hit the floor. "Whoa. Okay, where do I put him?" He asked, standing and cradling Keith in his arms. "In his room. It's the one on the right, full of red stuff." Lance said, pointing. James nodded and went there, unconsious Keith in his arms. When he returned, I smiled "So.. Keith thinks you're a pretty boy." His face turned a light shade of pink "Shut up. Anyway, what do we do now?" "Oh, I know!" Lance said, standing up. "I drink a beer or three, and you guys can stay the night. I can't deal with a pissed off hangover Keith by myself." "You've done it before, haven't you?" Lance shrugged, opening his drink "Well, no actually. Normally I only let him have one. It's been a while since I had to deal with one of his hangovers, but trust me, it isn't pretty. Anyway, you guys should stay the night. There's the couch, and, Kinkade, if you want, you can sleep with me." Lance finished with a wink. "No." I said sternly. "I'll just as soon sleep on the street." Lance sighed "Fine. Have it your way. I'll get you guys some blankets." He left, beer in hand. I turned to James "So, Keith." He gave a piercing glance "Has a boyfriend, as of now. How that might be in the morning is up for discussion, but as of now, him and Lance are still dating." I smirked "Okay." "Besides, what about you and Lance? You still gonna go out with him after this?" I sighed and sat on the couch. "I don't know. Probably not. If he could do this to someone he's been dating for years, I don't want to know what he'd do to someone who he's dated for a few months." "Fair point." Lance walked in a dropped two blankets in my lap. "Here. Hope they're up to your standards." He said in a bitter tone, taking a swing of his beer. "What's his problem? He's the one that cheated." I shrugged nochantly "I don't know. Probably that he got caught. And doomed his relationship. Well, on that happy note, I'm going to sleep." I took one of the blankets and threw the other at James. "I get the couch, you get the floor." "huh, thanks. You're such a good friend." I smirked "No problem." Before he laid down, James stripped of his shirt. Now, if we weren't friends, I'd probably be dating him. He was ripped. Defined abs and biceps, earned from years of hard work at the gym. Anyone who saw his shirtless would definently get a nosebleed. One time when we went to the pool with our friends, Matt, Pidge's brother, got a nosebleed when he saw James. But I had know him for years, so I didn't see the appeal of him romantically. "Goodnight" He called, turning off the lights. "Good night." I muttered, rolling over and closing my eyes. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Time skip- now morning

Keith POV

 I woke up to the sun in my eyes and I groaned. I sat up, and looked around, expecting to see the kitchen. But I was in my room. How the fuck did I end up here? Then the events from last night came rushing back to me. Lance, with Kinkade. Screaming and yelling. The opening of a bottle, crashing. A pretty boy with abs and brown hair. I shook my head. No, the last past was probably a dream. Not real. I got out of bed and groaned, stretching. I heard talking from the kitchen, which meant that Lance was probably there. I sighed. That meant I'd have to deal with him today. But first, coffee.

I left my room and walked into the hallway, stopping before I entered the kitchen and wincing in the bright florecent lighting. I saw Lance and Kinkade first. Kinkade was scowling, and Lance was making eggs. "What are you still doing here?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes. Kinkade smiled when he saw me "Keith! You're up! Now we can talk." He directed the last part at Lance, who frowned and poked the eggs. "Mhmm, sure. Coffee first." I said. "There's a pot on the counter." Lance said, still not looking at me. I nodded silently and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. I went towards the coffee pot and poured myself a nice, big cup. I breathed in the delicious sent before taking a sip. As I did, I heard a toilet flush and a door close, and a boy rounded the corner.

But this wasn't any boy. It was a pretty boy. A pretty boy who was shirtless and had defined abs. I almost choked on my coffee. I set my mug down and slowly walked over to him while he looked at me oddly. I ran a hand over his chest, feeling his abs, and he blushed. Then  I cupped his face and brought it towards mine, and I could hear his breath hitch. Our mouth were cenimenters away from each other, and one of my hands was still on his abs.

 "You're real." I said, and he raised an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged "I don't know. Cause I was drunk and thought you were a dream." His face went a darker shade of pink, and Kinkade smiled. "See James? He saw you in a dream. That's how hot he thinks you are." James face went an even brighter shade or pink, and I smiled. "Yeah pretty boy. And I'd say god bless you, but it looks like he already has." James's face was bright pink now, and he was glaring at Kinkade. "Shut up." He walked past us and grabbed his shirt off the floor, putting it on, much to my dismay. "Aww come on James, I was just messing with you." "I know, but you've been doing it for an hour and it's getting annoying." James said, sitting on the couch. "Besides, the main reason we're here isn't because Keith is cute, it cause Lance fucked up." I smirked "You think I'm cute?" James shrugged "Well, yeah. I mean, look at you. You're beautiful." My smirk turned into a smile. James had just complimented me more in one conversation than Lance had in the past month. But I guess that all made sense now.

"James, you can flirt with Keith later. Right now, him and Lance need to talk. So we should leave." "No, you and pretty boy can stay. If we're alone, things might get broken." I said, glaring at the back of Lance's head. His shoulders tensed, but he still didn't turn to look at me. "Oookay. So you gonna talk now or.." Kinkade asked, and Lance slammed the spatula down "Yeah, now. Let's get this over with." I nodded and downed the rest of my coffee. We sat in the living room, Lance and Kinkade on the couch, me and James standing. "Okay, before we start, someone fill me in on what happened last night." Kinakde looked at me, concern written all over his face. "You don't remember?" I shook my head "Bits and pieces. It's blurry. I remember you two coming in, yelling, more yelling, some crashes, and pretty boy here." I said, nodding towards James. "My name's James." He said, a light blush dusting his cheeks. I smiled "I know. But pretty boy suits you." "Okay, we've established that you think James is a pretty boy. Now, Lance, what do you have to say to Keith?" Kinkade said. Lance looked at me for the first time that day. "I'm sorry." "For.." Kinkade said, trying to coax more words out of him. "I'm sorry for cheating on you, and for not talking to you, and being a jackass, and lying about our relationship. Can you forgive me?" Lance pleaded. I smiled sweetly "Lance, baby, of course." He smiled "Not. I can forgive you, but you can't stay here. I want you out." His smile fell. "Wait, what?" "You heard me. Get out. Take your stuff and get out. You can't live here anymore."

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