Chapter 15 - Eyes Vacant and Stained

Start from the beginning

There was a trace of sadness visible in (Y/N)'s face when she said that.

"Anyway, I have to go. Bye Newt."

Then just like that, she was once again away from him.


While the others were headed to the F.T. Park to practice, Newt, Harriet, Minho, and Alby were in Jorge's. To those who don't remember, Jorge's is the bakery cafe that Jorge, Brenda's father, owns. The cafe is near the school, making it the go-to place for the students. The cafe was well-known for their famous cinnamon rolls, meaning that in addition with the students who go there, there are also other customers coming in and out.

It's a really popular place which is why Newt doesn't always go there. He doesn't like the crowds, and there usually isn't any place to sit. He admits that the food there is amazing, but it isn't the place he'd pick for nice quiet time after school. But Harriet and Minho insisted that they go there and Newt couldn't exactly say no to Jorge's cinnamon rolls.

Since it was a Friday, it seemed like a miracle that they were able to find a spot in the cafe. As Newt expected, it was filled with people of all sorts. Minho and Harriet were buying cinnamon rolls and coffee for them while Alby and Newt stayed at the table. They were seated by a window, giving them a nice view of the outside. Alby was doing something in his laptop which could be about the upcoming finals. Meanwhile, Newt was just staring outside the window, watching the cars drive by.

Newt glanced at his watch and saw that the time was ten minutes past four. The practice of the group should've started ten minutes ago. As much as he didn't want to think about it, he found himself wondering how the practice was going. How were the others adjusting to the new partners. Was everything going well?

"I'm telling you that guy was flirting with you."

"No he wasn't," Harriet argued.

"He gave the cinnamon rolls half price!" Minho said. "We should come here often and I'm bringing you with me to get more half-priced cinnamon rolls." Minho sat beside Newt while Harriet sat beside Alby on the other side of the table.

"Oh so if a guy does something nice for a girl, it's because he likes her?"

"I'm a guy, that's how we roll. Take Newt here," Minho patted Newt's shoulder, much to his confusion. Alby seemed interested with what Minho was about to say that he looked up from his laptop. "He likes (Y/N), so he asked her to be his partner for the dance. He even gave her a piece of chocolate because she didn't look well."

"Why'd you have to drag me into this?" Newt said a little annoyed that he lost his quiet time. "I don't like (Y/N), not that way."

"Newt only did that cause he's nice," Harriet said taking Minho's attention away from him. "There's such a thing as platonic friendships between a guy and a girl. What do you take the two of us?"

Minho shrugged. "I keep forgetting you're a girl. You're one of the guys."

"Gee thanks," Harriet rolled her eyes at her idiot of a best friend.

"But if that guy does like Harriet, we should come back here with her," Alby, this time, said.

"So you're using me to get food?"

"Pretty much," Minho said. He took a freshly baked cinnamon roll, smelled it for a few seconds before taking one bit bite.

Harriet smiled at her best friend's antics. "I admit, it does sound nice to have half-priced cinnamon rolls."

"SHOYULESHUIT?" Minho leaned in front of her with mouth full of cinnamon rolls.

Harriet pushed away Minho's stuffed face. "You're disgusting. I don't think he'll do that again though. We just knew each other from Glader High's sister school. We haven't seen each other for so long. Didn't know he worked here," she looked back at the counter.

"He's from the sister school?" Alby asked. "He's not a Runner is he?"

"Didn't look like much," Minho said.

"Nah, Aris isn't a Runner. I heard he plays an instrument though. I think he's part of a band or something."

"Come back here again and you'll find out and we'll get more food."

"Shut up Minho. Newt's the only nice one here."

"That's because he isn't talking. Newt," Minho nudged him, "you haven't eaten your cinnamon rolls yet. I swear if you don't want them-"

"I never said anything of the sort," Newt took his roll and hid it protectively from Minho.

"Yeah, you're not saying anything at all. Are you alright?"

"Can't it be that I'm just tired? Or want some time alone?" Harriet, Minho, and Alby shared a look that Newt didn't miss. "What?"

"You're thinking about that dance aren't you?" Harriet leaned in.

"It is weird to not go to practice anymore," Minho commented.

"Newt are you really bothered by it?" Alby asked.

"It's just that (Y/N) doesn't have a partner anymore. She said that she'll just take a written exam."

"There isn't really anything you could've done. This is out of your control, don't worry about it," Harriet took a sip of her coffee.

"No, I don't think it is."

Everyone looked at Newt curiously. "What do you mean?" Asked Alby.

His blue eyes looked at his friends, drifting them away from the view of the outside. "I have an idea. I don't know if it'll work but I want to try it."

"What will you do?" Minho asked.

"I want to ask Coach Janson if I can be part of the dance again."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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