Chapter Thirty Four

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The sun continues to rise over the forest as the sins and I make out way out of the forest. With a little help from me, and my magic, what took Everette and I hours to complete, took us only half an hour.

The tree line fades behind us, their shadows ending too as we reach a hill. It's slope can hide us as we lay on the grass. The castles large stone exterior towers over us, and the moat shimmers gold with the sunrise, as the sun clears the horizon.

"Glamour I'll be, glamour you'll be. For a soul who looks over me shall never truly see," I whisper. There's a feeling of cold water being poured over us as the glamour takes place. I turn to the sins, all of us sharing sinister smiles.

We creep over the hilltop and down into the moat. The sins sit by the edge of the hill while I move forward towards the water. The water is crystal clear, and I can the bottom of the moat where snoop pebbles sit. From the shadows of the large, sharp rocks, a finned creature swerves into the middle of the moat before swooping back into the shadows. Eels.

"Lust, come hither," I say. They come up behind me.

"Yes?" They purr.

"There's eels in here, and I require a certain type of specialty," I purr back.

"Naturally." Their lips draw upwards. They hold out their hand where a flame jumps to life. They toss it into the water, where the edges of the moat illuminate revealing hundreds of squirming and slivering eels. Their smooth bodies swimming over each other. The flame singes out. A shadow circles and swirls, a stray fin spiraling out. The shadow elongates into a dinner beauty of the deep, a shark. It spins and faces the eels, snapping its large jaw.

In a matter of seconds, the moat fills with blood turning the section of the not pink. Any guard would be blind not to spot it with the sun hitting the water.

"Sloth, I think the eastern guards should take a long nap," I say turning to them. They smirk and close their eyes. A wave of hot air wooshes over and past me to the castle.

"Hurry, the other guards will notice," I say, then dive into the cool water. It washes over me as bubbles surround me as the sins dive in after me. I swim to the surface and watch as Greed reaches out a hand. From their fingertips thick coils of vines shoot out and soar over the moat, attaching to the castle wall. They climb up and into the ground windows. I dive under the water once more and lead the sins around the moat to the from entrance, once again our speed enhanced with my magic. The draw bridge is down, and with the water high enough to lick the very bottom of the wood planks.

I push myself over the bridge landing on my stomach from which I push to standing. The sins follow me. We creep forward and towards the large doors set with golden flowers and glistening gems. The doors are open, inviting us in. I pause before stepping foot into the entrance hall.

I take a deep breath. I can't go back if I take another step. But I can't let the Queen sit on her throne, and get away with stealing everything from me. She will not get away with it.

The sins pause a few steps behind me, all of us dripping into the wood. I wave a hand over us, our clothes automatically dry, and I take a step forward.

We enter the castle where two guards immediately step in front of us.

I turn to Sloth who breathes over them. Their eyes glaze over and their demeanor relaxes.

Pride steps forward and whispers something under their breath. The guards step apart and hold open their arms letting us in. We walk past them, and as we pass they step behind us, blocking us from leaving.

"We will notify the guards and Queen of your visit," they say in unison.

"That won't be necessary. We want to to-" Pride pauses then looks at me, "surprise her." I nod. The guards smile sleepily.

"Of course, but the guards will be alerted of your presence. Enjoy your stay in the Iris Kingdom's crown jewel, the Queen's castle."

"Thank you," says Pride. We turn back around and are met with the entrance hall. The black marble floor is freshly polished, so one can see the golden chandelier swinging above us. Candles flicker on our right and left on the white marble walls set with golden trim. I nod the Wrath who flicks their wrist causing flames to erupt by the door, sealing us and the Queen in.

We turn to the equally gold stairs that lead up to the dining room. Our steps echo around the entrance hall, combing with the sleepy sounds of the guards making their way to the study where other guards will be positioned.

As we walk up the stairs, the sickening thud of snakes falling from the windows onto the marble follows us. Every window we pass is covered in a veil of writhing vines.

The Queen will certainly know we are here.

"Ah, Lilura." My head shoots up to meet the cold eyes of the Queen. Her red dress dripping down the first few steps, a golden crown perched in her head.

Gold always looked wonderful with scarlet.

"I've been waiting for you."

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